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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning go up town, see Mrs McDougal a motherly old Irish woman, and arrange to board there. Afternoon, pack up. take my books etc by bags full, and carry to the Academy. Mrs Greeley has got back but did not see mother. After noon, work at the Academy on birds. Evening the same. After noon an old gentle man named Dr. Kitto of the army, came in, and made the library a donation of an old edition of the Encyclopedia Brittanica and a life of Kirby. in all 23 volumes. He also promised to send us fish and other things. He wants his boy to go north with Kennicott.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 10 [[/preprinted]]
Letter from mother. & Sadie. Say adieu to Col. F. & the family go up to the Academy. and work, cleaning out the loft. and Frank Davis comes in and helps. Go to dinner at Mrs. McD's and come back. find Nason here. Finish up the loft, and clean up and go up to Nasons house to tea, have a pleasant time, go down to Mrs. Hathaways to make a "party call" spend a pleasant hour there. then down to Academy. work on the birds till one oclock. then to bed.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 11 [[/preprinted]]
Work at the shells. Afternoon. Flint, in some of his monkey shines smashes a pane in one of the bird cases. Evening. a terrible gust of wind turns over the sky light and breaks several panes. Move the cases and go to bed. Röehler doesn't come up. Though Nason comes and brings his can of fish.

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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Mr. Collyer preaches to young men, on the importance of sticking to some one thing. Dine with Mr. Greeley. Afternoon Nason comes up to the rooms, and loafs a little while. I pack up some shells, etc. Evening, tired, early to bed. 

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 13 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. after beakfast bring up my trunk &c. from Col. F.'s go for glazier, see Thompson, and go to find Baxter but can't. Get a dispatch from Kennicott to this effect. "We sail March 20th, cabin passage, time of service, one or two years. You better go." I write to Prof. Bannister, as I said; and will deliberate a little before replying. Afternoon on shells. Evening, go up to Mr Collyer's but he is out then to Mr. Greeleys, who advises me if I regard pecuniary advantages, not to go. I am perplexed. Letters from Allie C. & Lizzie Merriam. bright and pleasant. 

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 14 [[/preprinted]]
Telegraphed Bob "Can you wait three days for my decision? Have you mailed me particulars? How about going to Washington or Salem? and the outfit?" Röehler comes in and goes to work on the library. Go to see Col. Mason about getting something to do on the river business, he being appointed commissioner. Nothing at present to do. Afternoon, get room ready for meeting. Go to see Mr. Greeley, but he is out. After supper to Mr. Collyers, but he is out. although he appointed to meet me. then to Mr. G.'s, but he is out. see Mr. Fogg. Back to Acad. Dr Andrews in. talk about the arm & leg bones etc. Work with Nason on american land shells.