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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Work most of the morning on shells, books etc. Dr. Bannister comes in and talks a little about Henry. Write a little valentine for Frannie L. Afternoon. see Mr. Greeley. Nothing likely to turn up I am afraid. It seems to me that I had better go North, than go through the weary mill again, as I have done once in Boston and once in Chicago, without any permanent benefit being conferred on me, thereby. This world is all chance. and I stand as good a chance two years from now, as now. Afternoon & evening on shells. Nason comes in, and Garry Lansing worked a little in the morning.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 16 [[/preprinted]]
Morning work on shells &c. Afternoon step into Mr. Greeleys who has seen and spoken to Mr. Hilton of the Council Hill lead people, and he goes with and introduces me to Mr. Hilton. The [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] sum of the matter is that that man in charge has too much to attend to, to do the work required systematically. although he is a practical miner. I named $900. to $1000. as what I thought I could make myself worth to the Company. Mr. H. said he would lay the matter before the Directors and let me know in a week. In the morning I. Redfield came in and talked over a plan for surveying some lands for "oil", in S. Ills.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 17 [[/preprinted]]
Talk with Mr. Greeley about Bobs letter. I think I shall wait to have the lead matter settled before writing to K. I feel miserably worrying, so. over. the confounded things, and a disagreable. cold in addition. How folks have to scratch about in this world. just like hens. for a living. Afternoon finish up one case of birds, and rectify lots of Garry's mistakes. Redfield & Loomis come in and talk over the "oil" scheme again. It is a crocky business and I don't want to smut my hands with it. unless they pay down and well. Nason on fish. and write to Bob as per mem. and worn out with worry and work, to bed. 

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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Get up with a miserable headache. Go to work on the second case of birds, and finish up the remainder of the Helicidae. Nason comes in about 12 and works on his fish, enters the remainder; of which we have records. Afternoon, Baxter brings up two draw cases which we needed very much. Geo. Walker c.a. comes in and perambulates. Also Thompson. Finish up case no. two, of birds. making about 2600. entered. Evening go up to Dr. Cushings to a pleasant little evening party. where I meet Misses. Fogg, Hedge, Adams &c. play cards and have a good time though not dancing. Home at 12.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 19 [[/preprinted]]
Went to Mr. Collyers. who gave us a good but old sermon on "Vanity of vanities; all is vanity & vexation of spirit". Dined at his house and talked over Tel. Ex. after dinner. went up to Mr. Greeleys to see Louise Wells. who goes home on account of her brothers sad misfortune which may turn out better than she anticipates. Dropped in to see Mrs Clarke, who is un well, and see also Mrs. Abr. Clarke from Milwaukee who came down with L.W. In the evening after tea go over to Mr. Redfields and spend an hour or two. Talk over the Ex. &c. Wrote to Scudder enclosing money and asking adv.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 20 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. get out the birds in case no. three to enter. auks & penguins. Enter the last ducks. Morning goes like a blue streak. After dinner find that Thompson has brought in a fine male lynx (H. rufus. Raf.) from Wisconsin. 
Old Bischoff goes to work to skin him. and with great trouble I manage to get him to take out the body with out much mangling, so as to dissect it. Frank Davis &d Nason in. Frank calls on Prof. Jewell to get him to come in and set us at work on the lynx. We intend to take notes and if we make out anything perhaps publish. I. comes up and we dissect till 11 on sect. muscles

Transcription Notes:
&c. is an old way of writing etc. Instructions request that we #volunpeers transcribe as written so I've edited.