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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Finish all the birds and put a buggy one to bake. Nason comes in and loafs an hour or two. Get in one of the new cases and put our loose writing materials &c & labels into it. A short sad note from mother. After noon work out the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles of the lynx. Nason does not come in. Evening read up on anatomy in Grays dissector. I wonder how soon Stimpson will be here. I wish he would come. Shall work up that lynx myself, and not wait much longer for H.M. Wm A. Nason. Esq.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 22 [[/preprinted]]
Washington was born on this day, and at home there wd have been a celebration, but penurious Chicago hugs her green backs, and only tinkles her moon bells, a little longer than usual. Morning, Enter up the land shells. Nason comes in & we work on the lynx and prepare him for Dr. Jewels inspection. Afternoon work on shells; a wedding at Mrs Macs. cake & wine as you please &c. Her. daughter to a Mr Morse. Letter from Bob on unimportant matters. Evening Finish the land shells and Jewell coming in make notes on the internal anatomy of the lynx.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Morning work on shells. Package from Washington for Sonne. Afternoon dissect on the lynx, intestines &c. Evening, finish packing up my own collection of shells. Nason with me afternoon & evening. Röehler comes in in the course of the day. Time I heard from the lead mine folks if they are going to do any thing or not. Good news from the army. Sherman is marching on. Charleston Savannah and Mobile are almost in our hands and Wilmington must fall soon.

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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Pack up exchanges for Theobald. write to him and mother. Frank Davis on the birds, putting on the labels. Nason has not been in and lynx rufus is beginning to stink. I must finish the dissection myself or loose the value of our notes already taken. Nothing from Hilton. Time flies and I fear that plan will amount to nothing. Evening bring Lyons up and show him our museum, and write on catalogue for Anthony, till eleven. Rains hard. Wilmington they say is ours.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 25 [[/preprinted]]
A dull rainy day. Move the cases. Take up the lynx and go to work in earnest, clean and inflate his intestines, and take notes on various parts, particularly the corpus spongeosum and glans. p. which are very remarkable, the former being forked and the latter furnished with recurved spines. See Greeley and ask him to see Hilton and get some kind of an answer out of him. I fear that it will be all "smoke". Letter from Put. none from home. Feel cursed blue, and have a screaming headache.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Dull and rainy. Spring has set in, and in Chicago that means much unfathomable, and slop inconceivable, except to an inhabitant. Went to hear Mr. Collyer on First the blade, then the ear; then the full corn in the ear. The hymn "Watchman tell us of the night, what its signs of promise are." was most finely rendered by the choir and gave me a great deal of pleasure. Wrote a line to mother and shall get some thing definite from Hilton tomorrow or shall telegraph Kennicott that I will go

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