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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Mr. Greeley goes to see Hilton whom he finds very busy, and who says that things look favorable but Mr. Badger has but just got back and he has not had time to consult him.
Work on Lynx. and compose the following ode.
Must wait a little while longer I suppose.
Even'g go up and see Nason who is unwell
with a cold. Home. snowing hard.
Letters from Sadie and Lizzie Merriam. Mother sick.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 28 [[/preprinted]]
Work on shells some. Frank Davis in in the
morning and putting on labels on birds. Also Nason who smokes & reads a novel.  Get the Littorinas and Nassae, entered.  No letters. Mrs. Cushing is sick.  Afternoon have from a member of the old Academy, fresh proofs of the duplicity of Isaac A. Pool.  Mr. Greeley comes in and I show him our interesting things and in the evening write letters home and to Miss Merriam and Rutnam.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 [[/preprinted]]
Dull and rainy. Work on shells. Let Davis at the bird labels. G. Boettner comes in with a fly from Kansas N.B. He is an ass, but [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] be made useful.  Let him at work on the Colorado miscellaneous insects, pinning.  Enter Columbella & Haliotis.
Pay I. Washington five dollars.  Willie Dalliba comes in and works in the afternoon.  Evening Nason comes in and we talk over things in general. Write to Kennicott, about matters of the museum, and also to Geo. C. Walker about museum matters & alcohol, which we want, also locks on the cases.

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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Work on matters in general, and every thing in particular.  See Greeley who advises waiting so as not to ruffle the fur of the lead men. Geo. C Walker comes in and talks about several things very pleasantly. Says that Bob comes back tomorrow. If he does and the place is open I shall go without doubt. Afternoon get things straight for his coming. Letter from Scudder and mother.
Scudder says go by all means. Mother says her sympathies &c Why didn't she say so at first? Evening go up to Geo. Hathaways and write notes in lynx.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 3 [[/preprinted]]
Baxter here, to put on the locks at last and finds it much more of a job than he expected the lazy fellow. Move shells out of a number of cases for him to put them on. Frank Davis and Flint K. and Fred. Huse in to see Bob who won't get here in my opinion before Sat. night.
Evening. Get Wm. Lyons and Mark somebody to come over to the museum and we rush through the bird labels getting the items written on nearly three hundred - a pretty good evenings work.
Dr Andrews in, in the morning who speaks well of my notes on the anatomy of the Lynx.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 4. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Bischoff off for a tramp. Baxter on the cases, Garry Lansing and Fred H. in to help work again today. Have to take everything birdnests, eggs shells &c out of the cases to have the locks put in, a terrible job. Walker in and I tell him the fix about K. plainly, I think all will be well. I may have done W. injustice in thought. He is quite gentlemanly to me. Queer, about his speaking to Hilton? 2. Go to Woods with Lyons who also comes in in aft. Get the labels on to the birds, as I set out to, but find some mistakes which must be rectified hereafter.