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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Arrived in New York about half past seven. Meet Maynard in the ferryboat. Go to the Howard House to breakfast. Where the wild Indians from Colorado are. Queer set. A regular field day for work. Go to the Tel. Office, meet Rothrock, go about and price things with him Go to W.L. Felts and find lots of letters. Busy most of our stationary there. About three go to St Nicholas and get room 375. Go about town on errands. Go into Tribune office. Meet Mr. Gay. get stockings $10.00. Mr. Gay proposes to me to write letters to the Tribune for publication. I will try and see what I will do in that line. Evening write and make up accounts. Kennicott here tomorrow.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 18 [[/preprinted]]
Down to the Telegraphic Office where I find Mr. Kennicott and the boys. Just from Washington. Each takes up his work and we rush through a good deal of work. Go round and with Mr. Blatchford buy an Enfield blockade runner carbine or $6.00 on spec. to sell on the west coast. Blatchford treats to oysters for dinner. Spend most of the day running about doing errands &c. Evening make up accounts &c. In afternoon, K. secures us second cabin berths and passage on the Golden Rule for San Juan del Norte, and over the Nicaragua Route. 

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 19 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. write talk and work in our room. Maynard, Rothrock, Bannister, Elliot and Pease in. About 1 oclock Start on horsecars for Willard Felts where I dine. See Mrs Felt and her two children. After dinner go up to the Central Park with Mr. Felt and little Luke. Come back about half past six. and take tea there and go down to the St. Nic. where I find Rothrock and Prof. Thurber. Uncle Chas. W. Foster is there, a pleasant, oldish, man though rather deaf. He invites me up to his house to dinner and speaks kindly of all at home. 

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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Monday morning. About town on errands. Very busy and hurried. News that the Golden Rule (through the non-arrival of trains on account of the great flood in Pennsylvania) will no sail till tomorrow noon. See Col. Foster who gives me some valuable hints as to facts to be noted. Especially about the glacial formation of the fjords and the position of and zeolitic formations m. amygdaloidal trap. Get a letter from "Allie, 192 Green St" asking me to call on her "in the evening". This is the way that [[underlined]] green [[/underlined]] young men from the country are taken in and done for, in New York.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 21 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Start from the St. Nicholas and walk down Broadway doing sundry errands on my way. Go in and call on Willard Felt. (Called on Charley Carrét yesterday afternoon and gave him a photograph to send home) Down to the steamer at eleven. Mr. Blatchford kindly accompanying us and leaving us at last with the kindest wishes. Off on "man o' war" time at 12. Have a fine view of the harbor forts and narrows Goodbye New York. Through a little judicious wire pulling Mr. K. succeeds in getting us all good state rooms instead of the standing berths we were to have occupied. 

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 22 [[/preprinted]]
Fine day but a heavy swell on. Feel quite well but perhaps a little dizzy. Poor Bannister gets up and says to Elliott, I bet I feel better than you do & immediately thereafter gets miserably sick and renders up his accounts with Jonah to the last item. Keep myself on hardtack and ham and little else which is an anti Jonah diet. Large numbers of beautiful white gulls follow in our wake (Larus argentatus) feeding on the "banana fish" (Coprolites rectum). Very few passengers on deck or at the table where I don't linger any too long myself. Vessel rolls awfully.