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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Climate begins to tell on our little party.  Kennicott has a bad diarhoea, Pease in same fix Elliott not much better Old Bischoff a little snooish but Rothrock & myself all right.  Off in the morning collecting and get some good things.  There is a little enclosure out in the woods which the U.S. Frigate Sabine in 1857 erected and which answers to an american burying place.  Also one with some fine cocoa palms for the British.  Smith, our gambler came near getting six months for cheating somebody out of a gold watch.  Make the acquaintance of a German doc and of Mr. Wren clerk at Andress and the Union Hotel.  Go up river in doctors canoes with 2 Indians in afternoon.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 5 [[/preprinted]] 
Out in the swamps with Rothrock and Elliot botanizing.  Musquitoes & hornets drive us almost frantic Get some good plants: but at last make a desperate strike to get out.  After following a path (?made by peccaries) for some time, find myself separated from the rest and in a perfect canebrake.  After half an hour of great fatigue, take my compass and make a bee-line for the coast, coming out just below the town a narrow shave  In the afternoon cross the harbor with canoe and sail and get some good things and a bath in the surf notwithstanding the sharks.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 6 [[/preprinted]]
Morning out shooting and get some fine birds  Breakfast at Mrs Buitragos.  Probably leave this afternoon.  Spend a good part of the hour in packing up our collections to go aboard the Golden Rule.  considering we had but three days here we have made extremely good collections although the shells are small 
Down to the steamer at four take our place in Barge No 3.  See the Golden Rule depart and about six oclock leave ourselves  Greytown farewell I hope at some future day to come and collect here again  Reach a sandbar about 12 at night where we sleep till 1. A.M.

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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Started from beach about 3 A.M.  Was waked from my slumbers by a hard shower, which drenched us all as we lay on the sand.  About ten meet a boat with hunks of salt pork and bread which are distributed  After that in & out in water up to the bifurcation hauling the boat over the bars.  One consolation after one is wet through they cant get any wetter.  In despair at last get an Indian canoe and reach steamer about 3. PM.  Out on the bank and collect some fine beetles and a scarlet tree frog.  Turn in with consciousness of having earned a good nights rest.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Started early from landing up the river and pass the best part of the day steaming by the most beautiful vegetation and scenery.  The steamer City of Rivas is a very comfortable sort of river boat.  Arrive at Machuco rapids where we collect some very good things  The boat arrived late so we kept our berths for the night.  In the evening talked over Mr & Mrs Rockway vis Isaac & Rebekah with Mrs. Ritter.  Go up an see Smith play faro & three card monte.  Fancher wins $2.50.00 in specie.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 9 [[/preprinted]]
Spend most of the day collecting: walk over the portage view the rapids.  Find the most curious forms of Bugs and beetles  Some are like a stick of wood in miniature.  some are like leaves on a tree and others more normal but curiously formed.  Evening hire a canoe and K. Rothrock Mike Lebarge John the woodsman & myself start to paddle to Castillo.  After several failures we run up the large rapid which the Indians declared impassible.  About 12 at night we arrived off Castillo and made fast to a sunken steamer which lay in the river and passed a few hours in sleep on the hurricane deck