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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Left the City of Grenada early, and got a good breakfast opposite to her; and after breakfast go on a collecting tour. Up on the highest of the three hills and catch beetles &c. Look at the old fort built in the time of the Spaniards. Make the acquaintance of Dr. Downing of Grenada who dines with us. In the afternoon The "Tigerlily" comes up and after ineffectually running up three times at last lands them. We all take tea at Mr. Bermuda's, and see the pretty Senorita Dolores and after looking round some what at the faro &c go on board the Leon and sleep on the hurricane deck.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 11 [[/preprinted]]
Start about 3 oclock A.M. on board City  of Leon, Capt Hooker from Castillo. Arrived below the rapids about eight oclock and walking a  mile and a half through a cane brake finally arrived at the steamer "Virgin" which is to take us up to Virgin Bay. "Virgine" strikes a rock and makes a hole in her bottom, and being iron sinks in the short time it takes to beach her. Get ashore, fish & build a palm leaf shanty, and are taken off about 2:30 by the City of Leon which runs the rapids. Steam rapidly up to the Lake where we meet the San Juan and get some grub. Sleep on deck. The lake though small was rough.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 12 [[/preprinted]]
Early morning arrive at Virgin Bay where there are neither virgins nor a bay. Get breakfast and see the passengers on muleback; quite amusing. R.Br.P. & myself take passage in a mulecart and arrive at San Juan del Sur, where  our donkey driver becomes obstropolous and is finally cooled down by a pat on the the breech of my carbine, and Rothrock mounting box drove in triumph down to the landing. I set to work and collect a lot of shells on the rocks and finally go on board steamer. America Capt Merry for San Francisco, but have to put up with very poor accomodations a stifling state room &c. so I sleep on deck. 

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[[preprinted]]  THURSDAY APRIL 13, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Fair calm day and very smooth waters. Out of sight of land. Mr. Smith, greatly to my delight, has taken himself off as he don't like Capt Merry who is a disciplinarian. All the subordinates on board the ship are very anxious to be bribed from the Purser down. In the afternoon bells sound, and the men rush to the hose and all is confusion, but  keeping cool I soon discover that is only the biweekly fire drill. In the evening take a glass of wine with Dr. Mason who relates his experience with Veratrum viride. Sleep on deck which is altogether the most comfortable way.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY APRIL 14 [[/preprinted]]
Day very hot. 97 [[degree symbol]] in the shade. I find that much more difference is made between first and second class passengers than on the atlantic side, and they are very much less obliging and gentlemanly. We shall probably not reach San Francisco before the twenty fifth inst. Write up memoranda. Sultry and foggy in the afternoon but no storm. Off the coast of Guatemala and little houses are distinctly seen, dotting the coast which is well furnished with trees. Sleep on deck very comfortably. Ks state room is No.2.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 15 [[/preprinted]]
Hotter if possible than yesterday. Rothrock gets out Hookers distribution of Arctic plants and we look it over. He cuts out a "chiga" from Fauchers second toe.
It had been in about five days and had found a sac in which were about fifty oblong eggs, plainly visible to the naked eye; and which in a few more days would have spread to the surrounding tissues and probably have lost him the toe if not the whole foot. Evening a little cooler. Sleep on deck. 

Transcription Notes:
I'm flummoxed by this name. Veratrine Viride (???) (@siobhanleachman) I think it is Veratrum viride its