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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1865. [[preprinted]]
Buy the cloth and see about having 1200 fish bags made. They will cost about two cents apiece. Dine at Capt Noyes. A very pleasant house and to cation. Meet Mrs. Noyes, two gentlemen, the sons of the Captain and miss Lizzie Noyes a very pleasant girl. Spend the afternoon and evening there and have a pleasant time. Make appointment to go to Dr. Stebbins Church with them on Sunday and also to dine there. They asked me to bring my things up from the Hotel & stay with them but that would be impossible I am so busy. 

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 29 [[preprinted]]
Spend most of my time going about and pricing articles on my list of scientific out fit. Meet Capt Scammon of the Shubrick at the Cosmopolitan where K. stays. I like him very much Rothrock also meets him and discusses the Kurile islands with him. Black whom Kennicott has detached to help me, although not regularly engaged. I do not like. He is not reliable , and given to whiskey, and I have generally objections to him.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 30 [[/preprinted]]
Morning go to Starr Kings church and go into Capt. Noyes pew Miss Noyes & the old gentleman were there during service and introduced me to Mr. Stebbins after church. The church is a most beautiful one an to the right is seen an exquisite font, a gift from the second Congregational Church in New York. In the afternoon took dinner & tea with the Noyes and went to evening service with the old gentleman Starr Kings tomb is just to the right of the church in a little garden.

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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, MAY 1, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Worked over the scientific outfit list with Black & Denison as my aids. Very busy all day. In the evening go down to 622 Clay St. up stairs where the California Academy of Sciences meets. They adjourn previous to an informal talk with the members. Among whom are Col. Ransom Pres't. Messrs. Royal Fisk R.E.C. Stearns, Curator of conchology. Dr. Ayres with whom I had a long talk. Prof. Bolander, Theo. Bloomer, and others. The academy is about semi-fossil and will assuredly continue so unless galvanized Are we to do it?

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
Morning with Black and finish up list of scientific outfit. Spend considerable time at the Cosmopolitan. Take everything out of the alcohol chests except strictly scientific outfit. Get them down to the new office Cor. Battery & Pine Streets where Rothrock has been engaging men. A whole engine company came in a body and offered them selves but were not accepted. Evening meet Mr. Pierce at the Cosmopolitan and talk with him about Chicago. Mr. Stebbins leaves a card inviting me to tea with him tomorrow evening at six o'clock upon Clay Street. 

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 3 [[/preprinted]]
Slept late. Got Rothrocks things into Elliotts room and got our washing from the laundry. Denison reports & I set him to making out blanks. Go over papers & copy in a new form all that relates to the scientific outfit. Day hot and sultry. Things hitch a little, but I can't quite see where the snarl is. Hyde seems to be a snag. Go up to Dr. Stebbins in the evening. His little boy broke both his arms last night. It is a great trial to them and him. Talked with S. about Agassiz and plans for the future, & the transit.