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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Go on with help of Black & Denison to fill out & complete the forms for the scientific outfit. K. established a sort of head quarters down at Raymonds office, of the Transit company, when Rothrock and Maynard examine into the qualifications of candidates for positions in the exploring party. Get all the alcohol tanks and boxes together down there, and wait and see Kennicott. A whole fire company have applied in a body to go but were refused. Get the Nicaragua collections tinned up & boxed. 

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 5 [[preprinted]]
At work all day at my room making out a suppositions requisition for scientific outfit which foots up nearly $3100.00 Alcohol is the great point $1650.00 for 500 gals, Denison helps me make it out. Day very sultry & enervating. Evening Report at the Cosmopolitan at 8 oclock. Day begins to break on plans. Rothrock begins to be selected as K.s chief of staff, although just now he seems to want that confidence in K. that the position should demand. 

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 6 [[/preprinted]]
Another hot day. Spent most of the morning in attendance on the great Kennicott at the Cosmopolitan. Present my summary of the scientifiC outfit required and discuss it. In the afternoon go to inquire of liquor dealers about alcohol & arrack in bond. Find that I can probably get alcohol for $1.50 in 5 gal. tin cans encased in wood and of such a shape that they might be used at a pinch to pack things in and solder up. I wish that my position was a little more clearly defined. I have no doubt however about K.s good will.

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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Spent most of the day up at the Cosmopolitan, helping Kennicott. There seems to be some misunderstanding between him and Buckley owing probably to Ks. rapid and somewhat incoherent style of talking, and perhaps also partly to Ks over ambitious views with regard to his position in the Expedition. In the evening K. takes Rothrock & I up with him to Buckleys room where he broaches his plan of going by Stickeen and Dease Lake with fifty men and ten thousand pounds, which Buckley does not receive favorably.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Rothrock is ordered to report to Major Pope and with him to get up a plan of exploring the Babine Lake district. In the evening they go to work to discuss a plan when K comes into the discussion in a some what excited manner, and knocks the whole thing into "pi" Go to see Ayres & to the mercantile library for Scammon after riding about & visiting the Palmetto with him. Weather very hot and uncomfortable. They tell me it is very much warmer than usual in San Francisco. Overland mail tonight. I may hope for letters.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 9 [[/preprinted]]
Morning walk out with K & try & post him on events somewhat and give him some idea of how I an outsider view the situation. On returning meet Rothrock & have some talk with him. Visit Mrs. Stebbins partly to let her know I am in town and partly in the faint hope Of getting some word or letter from home. I have not heard since I arrived, but there was none. K writes out a plan for the Yukon, which is fairly received by B. & Ks is instructed to proceed on a basis of ten men and make out specifications. Now at least we are on firmer ground.