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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, went up to Cosmopolitan. Write for Mr. Kennicott being with him all day. He is certainly in a great state of excitement or else he was intoxicated. I should say of another man judging from the same data that he was either insane or incapable of doing the work set before him. It is now since last October he has been running a full head of steam of excitement and whiskey. He is absurdly suspicious of every one. Kennan came in in the A.M. accomplished nothing and ate nothing but breakfast. Feel quite worn out. 

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 11 [[/preprinted]]
Fired old Bischoffs butterflies in a box ready for packing. Went down to K's room and meet Capt. Scammon. Work principally on the basis of 10 men to do the Youkon Exploration. Pease & Lebarge are [[insertion]] ^ placed on the provisional list & others are [[/insertion]] discussed and Dr. Lenord & Ennis & Denison are in. Prospect that Denison goes Frazer. Down to Cat Cos office at 1, & stay till two. Afternoon, Whitney, Alfter Starr & others are in No. 45. Alfter, will do for astronomer I think. Don't like W. must get that alcohol dealer know something soon. R. Pope would be a great addition if to be obtained. He is a good fellow make out sci. requisition in outline for K.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 12 [[/preprinted]] 
Go up in the morning and write pretty steady on requisitions etc. all the morning. K has considerable talk with Ennis and Whitney who is so to speak subdued slightly. Call on Capt. Noyes at his office but he was out. Get an enclosure of a note from father and some slips about Agassiz Ex. from mother. All well to Ap. 1. Evening. Go to hear Setchell as Capt. Cuttle in Dombey and Son. He was splendid though poorly supported. Get home about twelve and sleep soundly. Alfter & Donahue were with us.

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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Start up to the Cosmopolitan rather late in the morning. Find Kennicott busy and engaged with Pope. Go down to Custom House and get an order for photos & sit for 3 doz. Field, Yates & Ennis give me each one of theirs. About 12 go down with K. from C. stop at Hubbards and K. sits for his photos & has a [[underlined]] discussion [[/underlined]] ! with the operator. Afternoon, go up to Cos. write &c. and about six go off on a walk with K. to Telegraph Hill and back meet Wright and leave him & K. discussing Black, who be lefthandedly blest!

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 14 [[/preprinted]]
Morning wake up with a sort of windy colic and spend the greater part of the morning in getting rid of extra bile & mucus. About noon muster up, and go down to Cosmopolitan, where I find all out and return. Evening. Go over and visit the Noyes's where I meet Mrs. Brackett to whom Mr. Collyer gave me a letter, from Chicago. She is just going out of town or would be happy to have me call. Return to Cos. where I find K. with the diarrhea. Go out and get him some laudanum and return to the Exchange. 

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 15 [[/preprinted]]
Up at the Cosmopolitan early. Write &c. for K. about noon go over to the "Great Republic" which is loading with ore &c. for New York. Find some oxide of manganese said ? erroneously to be from "Red Rock", a short way up the bay. Afternoon start down town to see about scientific outfit for Popes party. Get up a regular fever and return to Am. Ex. Find the door locked and key away and determined to face it down, go round and spend the evening at Dr. Ayres! who prescribes quinine for four days.