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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Old Panama back again.  Damn him! bits of vomiting and evacuations following each other every five minutes till the afternoon when they cease from pure exhaustion.  Drink about a gallon of water, which aids in stopping the vomiting.  Both expressions nearly pure bile. Those from the bowels nearly resembling bloody serum.  Toward evening felt better and worry down some cornstarch and strawberries and take some wine, Ralph Pope kindly gives me, home made but good.  Pass a fair night.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 17 [[/preprinted]]
Boys are off today and I will see them off though another days fever be the penalty. Up to the Cos. and fill out my set of their photographs.  Lay about till 1 when I get lunch, and go back.  About 3 start for the Steamer, "Sierra Nevada" for Esquimalt.
The niggardly Co, only furnish these gentlemen with steerage tickets, where they would be neck and neck with chain gangs of coolies for the mines.
Cheer them, well away, Caribous, and return.  Early retire and pass a restless night.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 18 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, rose late and went round to the unfortunate dealer in high wines and tell him I've been sick and couldn't attend to his matter.
Up at the Cosmopolitan, Kennicott out, go round town up to the photograph saloon and other places.  Evening take the Folsom St. car and go out to Capt. Scammon's place but find, all out.
Return and go up to Ks. room.  Rains hard.  Want to talk with him about myself & some other things but can't raise a chance. Sleep there all night.

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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Early, down to Exchange to get breakfast.
Go about town on small errands, visiting shell dealers &c.  Look through the fishmarkets at the specimens of Lebastodes & Sebastes &c.  Call on Kennan at the Cus. Ho. office, and also on R.E.C. Stearns. Kennicott, gets a lot of miserably skinned birds from Lorquin, some rare ones.
Evening go down to Capt. Scammons to call.  Meet Mrs. Scammon a very pleasant ladylike person and look over the Captains photos & portfolio.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 20 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, down to Cosmopolitan.  About half past ten, go down to Mr. Stearns office and go down with him to the Oakland Ferry.  Take the celebrated steamer Washoe to the Oakland pier across the Bay and the cars there, where we arrive about 12:30
Take lunch and go up to Dr. Newcombs, who has a most beautiful garden and place, though small.
Look over part of his cabinet and take dinner with him.  Return at 6:40.  Evening go to hear Norma with K, Capt. & Mrs. Scammon, Miss Bowline, & the daughter of a Russian gentleman a very pretty girl Miss Olga Klinkofstrom.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 21 [[/preprinted]]
About half past nine go up to Lorquins, where I meet Stearns and we start off for Point Lobos.
The wind blowing as usual, diabolically, we decided to go to the North Beach. Had a pleasant though somewhat dangerous walk on a narrow path around the edge of the hill overhanging the surf & rocks. Collected Patellas, Litorina scutellata, Purpuras and Chitons. Took a drawing of the Litorina animal, and returned to take dinner with Stearns and late in the evening to Cos & sleep there.