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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, MAY 22, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Early morning down to Am. Ex. and get breakfast and then to opposition Steamer office, where I take out what we need to complete our outfit for dredging and meet K.  We go way down to the end of Battery St. & find we have got to go back again.  Finally get on board the Shubrick, get a boat and with Asst. Eng. Winship have a good sail about the bay. Cast Dredge twice and the second time get some good things. See the Chinese drying shrimps. Return
leaving dredge &c. aboard.  Even'g with Charley, K. & Ketchum make a tour of the Chinese quarter and the Peter Funk shops.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Morning down to Cos. K making out the requisitions & cross as a bear of course. The case seems to stand now that I shall be made scientific quartermaster to remain on the vessels in charge of the scientific stores, and the marine collections.  Write letters for Stearns, call but he is out.  Get my photos & write up memoranda.
Evening go up to Cosmopolitan and talk over scientific equipment.  K. goes off on an expedition some wheres, and I go round to call on the Noyes's and find only Mrs. Noyes at home who invites me to dinner Thursday.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 24 [[/preprinted]]
Price certain articles of scientific equipment.  Look about for powder cans &c.  Go to tinners after information, and make the discovery that in Frisco men rather make money on poor work than reputation on good. 
Dr. John Torrey, botanist & U.S. Assayer arrives from New York [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] on board the Moses Taylor.  Take him round by the north beach round the edge of the hill & gather some good things in the way of plants.  Evening go round to Stearns' and look over the Chinese shells with him of which he gives me a set of duplicates.

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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Rose late, went down to opposition office and get a net for old Bischaff.  Buy thread for labels.  Go up to Ks room and then down to Custom House to find amt. of botanical paper.  See Dr. Paine and find that I have seven cavities to be filled which will cost $35.00.  Go about with Kennicott & price guns, and afterwards after copper cans.  Go round to Mrs. Noyes to dinner.  Look at their fine little garden, and in the evening play Bazique with Miss Lizzie, the rest being all out. The fuschias beat everything I ever saw before of the kind.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning up early.  Charley asleep but sick, don't wake him but off to Dr. Paines where I spend the greater part of the morning and have four fillings on upper right hand side.  Then go up to Cos. but K. is out at Lorquins.  Go down to Custon House and to tailors to get measured for uniform.  Afternoon write out directions for the captain of the Palmetto to collect by.  Evening go round to the Occidental Hotel and call on Mrs. Raymond with Kennicott.  Things look more comfortable in regard to prospects than hitherto.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 27 [[/preprinted]]
Morning down to Dr. Paine's, who fills first molar, with gold, a very large cavity and a very painful operation, unusually so.  At half past ten down to the Custom House to see if Donahue has seen the Captain of the Palmetto.  Has not.  Up to Cosmopolitan where after some discussion in which K. was very unjust to me.  I give him a few plain words.  Afternoon get together an equipment and get it aboard the Palmetto but fail to see the Captain.  Have a hard row back with Mike. Evening, K. goes to the theatre.