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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Kennicott busy, go round among the booksellers looking out for a small library on scientific subjects to take aboard ship with us.  Go to the best bookstore in town but find nothing except at H. H. Bancrofts & Co's  They have a very good assortment.  Afternoon, go about town with Kennicott, get my uniform, and other errands.  Evening go up to Cos. for a few minutes then up to Mr Stebbins' where I see him, Mrs. Stebbins & Prof. Ashburner, and talk somewhat about K.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 4 [[/preprinted]]

Go to church at Starr Kings.  Mr. Stebbins preached a rather dull sermon on Temptation.  Mrs. & Capt. Noyes at church.  After church walk down with Capt Noyes to Am Exchange.  Write letters till three.  Then go to his house to dinner.  Spend most of the day.  Miss Noyes is engaged to a Mr. Wilson now in New York, son of Gen. Wilson.  Goround to Cosmopolitan but find K busy finishing up his papers for Prof. Baird so I go down & write.  Stearns comes into my room and talks with me about Gabb, shells, The Cal Acad. of Sciences &c -

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning to about town with Kennicott.  Down to the Custom House, being dead broke but can't raise the wind.  Hyde is a c.a.d.d. also a lit. and to.e.  After 2 o'clock go out over the chapparal west of the city, get a specimen of Eutania elegans, Ken. and many insects  Kennon also gets some animalcules.  Go to the meeting of the Cal. Ac. on Clay St. very amusing.  K. makes them an offer of exchanges or donations if a list of desirables or specimens be sent C. T. Jackson, there.  After meeting, go to Cos. & meet Dr. Paine with Col. Buckley. Walk down with him. 

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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning go round to Dr. Paines but find him out.  Go up to Cos. Kennicott also out.  Come back and sit two or three hours under the filling &c  Make a recess go round to [[Geimans?]] and order gold cord on my blue pants &c.  Back & sit another hour, then up to Cos. with Kennicott go down to Oakland Ferry.  Come back to Exchange and write.  News that Scammon goes but without Gov't. pay.  Go up to Cos. meet Wright, Kennan, and Bush walk out to end of new bridge with 'em.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Morning go round to Dr Paines and have my teeth finished, filed, filled, scrubbed, jerked, twisted and generally aggravated.  Bill for neat little sum of the hundred dollars in gold.  Nineteen cavities filled and one tooth pulled.  Afternoon, up to Cosmopolitan see Kennicott, start off over the hills west of Pacific street with Kennan, find some insects.  Evening go down to Stearn's house, look over his collection of California coppers.  He gives me a specimen of the Tellurite of gold and silver from the Malones mine Calaveras Co. very rare indeed. Gave it to Dr Torrey.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, Some face ache, very disagreeable from the continual racking my jaws have had during the last few days.  Go down to Golden Gate to see if there is anything to be got to do.  Get some papers to copy which takes me a good part of the day, but is finally done.  Down to her again but Capt. S. is away.  Go to Cookes with orders for labels and in evening down to the Noyes' but all out.  In a fit of disappointment and face ache go out to Capt. Scammon's and spend the evening