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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, down to Cos. and take a seine and bottles and a beating net, and take Charley Pease and the eleven o'clock Oakland Ferry boat, the celebrated "Washoe" who has blown up and killed over 500 people in her day and is still a most comfortable boat. Arrive and find a target-shoot coming off at the park. Collect some good fish and insects and returning at 5[[degree symbol]].55'. Meet Madam Klinkofstrom & daughters on the boat. Evening, call with Mr. Kennicott on Miss Bowline and pass the evening at Capt. Scammons. Returning warn him of over confidence in his men after discharged.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY  22 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Around town with K & the boys looking about uniforms, shoulder straps & sich. Into Wm Burlings but letters not signed. Meet Jay Chappel & slip into Rulofsens, meet Hyde, into office; up to Cos. & blow off steam on the subject of the Expedition. On it, I have lost all confidence in our Commander and in the value of this years operations, not only in scientific but telegraphic purposes. Call on Capt. Noyes, meeting Mr. & Mrs. Spring then calling on Wendte who is out then down to Mrs. Denison's and Mrs. Taylors. Back late & talk late with Charley about prospects &c.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Pack up my shells in a box. Down to the Cosmopolitan and copy into the book Stearns gave me, the  outline of the Russian Chart of Norton Sound. Prepare to pack up traps to send East. Strong hopes of being off next Wednesday. The Scientific work this year is a failure. no outfit bought and delay the reason.
Afternoon. Go with Arnold buy bottles. Get letters from Burling to mouth of Amoor. Order pants. K goes to Klinks with uniform, and I got to call on Miss Bowline & spend the evening. Have some good music. 

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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY JUNE 24, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, take the Sci. equipment down to the opposition office pack everything as compactly as possible in the alcohol chest &c. Get Adams, Smith, Alzimora, Mike Le Barge and Charly Pease to help. also pack tin of alcoholic specimens to send East. Take Sci. Eq. down to the barque Golden Gate and see Mrs. Scammon, Davison and the Capt. of the Wright. Have to go down afterwards to see about marking them. Kerman returned today from Virginia, Nevada. Evening. Go round with K. to the Klinkofstroms where we pass a pleasant evening with music &c. 

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 25 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, after breakfast go down to the Cosp. [[?]] there & talk till half past ten. Go to Consul Klinkofströms and go with Miss Olga, and himself to hear Dr. Peck (M.Ep) preach. After sermon a subscription opened to close off the church debt. The Drs style was highly amusing. Take dinner with them and in the afternoon with Miss Charlotte de Ro and Papa Klinkofström & the girls & the Captain of the brig Olga, walk out over Mission Bridge. Stay to tea & part of the evening. Have some singing and a good time. See K. late, & Mahood. I have seldom passed a pleasanter day.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Go up to the Cos. Col. B. inquires of me about the whiskey jug. K. out. Down to the office present bill & get $2.50 from Chappel. Go down to Opposition Office take Popes box on to the barque. Mark the Scientific outfit. Up to Ks room pack up remainder of  birds. Steamer in Golden Rule lost. Nobody hurt. Drunken Captain. Down to office, back to see Col. B about boxes &c. Draw map see Mrs. Scammon. Doubtful if the two Rev. Officers go as they've struck for higher wages. Meet Stearns. Go to Acad, see Mrs. Raymond. Spend part of the evening with Wright