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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, JULY 8, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Rise early and after a hasty breakfast go up to the Cos. meet Kennan, and go to the barbers and Dr Paines with him.  Meet Bush and Arnold.  Go down to the Consul Kinkofstrom's office and meet the young ladies and Kennicott.  Go down to the Wright & see Abasa, Bush, Mahood, and Kennan off for Siberia.  Then down to the "Gate" with the girls and home with the party, stopping with Mrs. K. to make some purchases.  Get a room in Heralds Block for tomorrow for the ladies.  Out to tell them & Mrs. Scammon. Capt. S. promises us some chairs.  Even.  Go with Torrey, Mamr Wright and Stearns to meeting of the California Academy.  

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, 4 [[/preprinted]]
Morning see Kennicott early.  Get chairs from the Golden Gate and take them to Room No. 5 Heralds Block.  Back to Cos. and up to Park for the ladies, Mrs Klinkofstrom and family, Miss de Ro and Mrs. Scammon who occupy the room during the passage of the procession which was poor, the military & naval blacks & whites making all the show.  Up with the ladies to dinner meet the Dutch Consul.  Capt. S. & Col. B. call while I am there.  Go up on Mrs. Ladds roof to see the fireworks which are a fizzle and pass the evening pleasantly at Mrs. de Ro's. Walk back with Bugbee and Mr. Horner.  Stop at Cos & see Col & Ch. Pease [[left margin]] It seems likely we'll start on Thursday or Friday, north. [[/left margin]]

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Go to the Cosmopolitan & from there with Kennicott, to the office of the Co at the Custom House. Present bill of Col's but dont get it honored.  Have news that we are to start Saturday and look up blankets, bedding, &c. Go up to the Cos. represent the facts to the Col and ask for $150.00 Col. will see about it. After dinner go up to Capt Noyes with bundle of shells clothing, &c, Mrs. Noyes has been sick Sit in Ks. room and write home. Evening, read paper Mr. Broso gave me after going to the bark with him & seeing Capt S. Call in the Cols room and find Mrs & Mr Lewis & go home with them

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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, oversleep myself and get up at Cos. about 9 o'clock. Go down to Bradleys and get my photograph taken in uniform. Then go up to Cos. and stay a little time, meet Charley Pease and get his photographic card, as Hyde's order is no longer good.  Go up to Capt Scammons and wait some time for him, and when he comes take certain orders.  The Capt. is much worn by dyspepsia.  Can't get aboard the Gate who is the stream, but give the papers to Black. Evening, Col. promises some money, Chappel didnt pay the Col's book bill. Call at Klinkofströms with K.  We are to be aboard the Wright, it's said, the 8th inst, at 9 o'clock.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Up to the Cosmopolitan about nine. Go down to the office with K. & the Carcojous. Wait there for some time and being put off for two or three hours, get rather furious and though I don't show it, I go up to Ks room in a perfect raging fury inside. Get cooled down a little and go to Chappel again and about four in the afternoon get paid up, at the rate of $30. gold from Mar to July 1. & to October 1, at the rate of $50.00 a month, gold. Evening, Go round to Mr. Taylors for a minute and then to the Klinkofströms and find Miss de Ro there; who goes into an extacy of "petite" fury over Horners talk.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Go up to the Cos. K will go $20.00 on sci. outfit to be expended at my discretion. Go about town and purchase pillboxes and drugs &c. Go with Charley Pease to blanket store and round town. Pack up small sci. matters in a trunk. Get segar boxes. After dinner get some small things needed for outfit & beat a cheating Jew at his own weapons Pay Dr Paine $50.00 and my 3mos note for $50.00 more. Meet Fred Foster my cousin here for health.  His brother is paymaster on the Lancaster, now in port. Call on Mrs Raymond & Miss Bullene. Look for but don't find, Mrs Scammon's new house. Talk & see Agnew.