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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, JULY 9, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. See to trunk, and pack up many things. Go down to Cosmopolitan, and from there to Am. Ex. again Then to Dr. Pecks church with Mr. & Miss Klinkofstrom. After a good sermon go home with Mr. K. and spend part of the afternoon. K. comes in. I go up to Mrs de Ro's and take tea. Meet Mr de Ro and a Mr. Rogers. Get a number of photos incl. Olga & Charlotte. Go down to the Ks and bid 'em good bye then to Cos. get my quadrant, then back to Am. Ex. pack, write, work and fix up things generally for our start.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 10 [[/preprinted]]
Morning rout out Charley and go down to an early breakfast. Meet Jay Chappel and go to P.O. & Geimans and Ward's shirt store with him. Up to Cos. meet K. & Charley. Go to bid Stearns and Gabb goodbye. Go down to the Market Street wharf and wait. Mr Klinkofstöm Behrens, Van Tassel and many other friends of the boys come down to see us off. Go on board with Harder who is my chum; in the first boat. Get luggage all right. Rest come aboard at various times. About dusk the Wright comes along side and tows us into the Gate & leaves us there at anchor. Starr is ordered my assistant.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 11 [[/preprinted]]
Early in the morning, the Wright tries to tow us out but fouls her propeller with the hawser and we are obliged to stay at anchor all day. The Wright is towed off and beached on the shore to get the hawser off. The winds blow hard all day but calm down at night. Dont feel sick though we have a heavy swell. Put room in order a little. I like Harder very much. He is quiet and a little odd. Our mess consists of the officers of the vessel Wright Arnold Chappel Sr. Lewis, Smith, Ennis R. K. Conlin Libourne Harder, Black and myself. We shall have a good time

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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Called up at four o'clock by Capt. Scammon who is unwell with bilious attack added to his previous prostration. Give an opiate & carminative & taking two biscuit and the gig, go up to town to see Dr Ayres obtain some drugs left out by culpable negligence, and a pair of scales to weigh them out with. Bring the Dr. down to the ship after breakfasting with him. Stay with the Captain & prepare medicines most of the morning. Afternoon about four " [[Ditto for: Captain]] Wright comes & takes us in tow and we stand out westward from the Gate. Am appointed acting surgeon which relieves me from guard duty. Toward evening Col. Bulkley & Black whom we thought left behind come aboard from the Wright. Dicipline will come into play tomorrow. Capt better

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 13 [[/preprinted]]
About five o'clock turn in to Drakes Bay about 32 miles from Frisco. Lay here a good part of the day. At eleven it is decided that the Gate goes direct to Sitka and the Wright to Victoria. Transfers of men & cargo are hurriedly made. Mr. Hyde comes aboard the Gate, and Col. B. Lewis and Kennicott go to Vic. Write home & to S. Fr. in a great hurry and give to K. to post in Victoria. Also get him to get me some outfit there. About three o'clock start out of the bay and take leave of the Wright. Sail in a southerly direction. Captain much improved. Several cases of illness on board, none serious

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 14 [[/preprinted]]
Called up early in the morning with Capt. Scammon The Gate skips along as merrily as a young goat, and Davis asks me piteously if she isn't going to tip over, as she bends under the stiff breeze.  Feel some bilious symptoms & take two of my own pills. Course mostly S.W by W. and the breeze dies away after the edge of the morning is past. Lay low most of the afternoon and feel rather blue. Wright overhauls some of his duds and gets out some of his medicines which I take under my charge Have some bookshelves put up in the afternoon.