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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Feel poorly in the morning and pills work pretty thoroughly. Capt. Scammon again troubled with nausea It is a very difficult thing for me to work with confidence in his case, it is so idiosyncratic. Catch two shearwaters, male & female or old & young. Let Bischoff at skinning them. Put ship on N 1/2 W. course. Arsenic can't be got at till Monday. Pease and the babies growl about having the bird skins put amidships. Get the Captains permission to put them in the after cabin. Captain still poorly but generally better. More of a breeze springs up toward evening. Read Agassiz "Methods &c"

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 16 [[/preprinted]] 
Early morning a squall comes up and makes the sailors fly about to wear ship & take in sail. It is a favorable direction however and we go ahead very well under top & mainsails. She pitches somewhat but not badly. We have several additions however to the sick list one or two of gonorrhoea among them. Capt. slowly improving. About eleven though raining, we have inspection and dress parade Afternoon have a sudden & painful attack of the gripes. Take some whiskey which Wright kindly brings me. Vessel skins along about four and a half knots an hour Lat & Lon at 8 o'clock A.M. 35[[degree symbol]]29'N. and 125[[degree symbol]]12'W. Gr.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 17 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, fair and beautiful. Captain slowly improving. Additional cases of disgusting diseases come out We are going about six and a half knots per hour.  Saw a number of porpoises. One of the boys amid ships named Davis, I find has been playing "old sojer". I have given him enough medicine to lay out half the ships crew; of which he has thrown away some, distributed some among his friends, taken & brought up some and shirked generally. Evening. Go down into the Captains cabin and talk with him to divert him a little. Wright comes down too, after a while. Play euchre with Norton and turn in.

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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1865 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, called up by the Captain to see the Portuguese man o'war  (Velillae) floating in myriads on the surface, like little cockscombs of jelly perfectly clear and glassy the tentacles hanging into the water below; a host of purple fringes. Wind slacks off a little. Weather warm clear and delicious. Old Bishoff better. Give Davis two ounces of Epsom salts and send him below. Get out the Russian grammar and work out the alphabet. It is rather tough work however as the Grammar is in Russian, text & all. And Harder is not a fine English scholar. Libourne helps me a good deal. Go in an talk with Capt Scammon Mr. Hyde advises me against R.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 19 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Give Davis 15 grains of calomel and ten of rhubarb He shall not waste much more medicine if I can help it. What he does with it, is more than I can imagine I see him take it before my eyes but he asserts it has no effect and he [[underlined]] seems [[/underlined]] perfectly well. Break into the lower hold today and get at some of the scientific stores. Work also at the Russian Libourne helping One of the cabin boys runs a splinter about an inch and a half into his hand and I have a pretty time cutting it out.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Go the rounds and nobody sick. Work a little on Russian with Libourne. Captain reasonably well but uncomfortable and depressed. Get out three millinet nets from the large Alcohol Chest, and rig out as a scoop net for Smith, one give to Ketchum and rig one as a floating net to catch Physalias and Pteropods. Try it over the side and it succeeds remarkably well and in Lat. 35[[degree symbol]]40'.19".N. and Lon. 133[[degree symbol]]54'30"W get little blue crabs, Celeodora, Hyalea, numerous nondescripts and plenty of Physalia all far from land