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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Captain had a very bad night. Break into the lower hold and get out some bottles and alcohol. Go over the captures of last night and put them in alcohol. Paint in watercolors the Cleodora, and most of the other marine animals which were caught. My net works very well, and holds out well. Harder catches another shearwater, and he is killed to be skinned tomorrow. Give Davis, first explanaining a rattling dose of calomel. Evening play cards euchre &c with Libourne Harder Conlin & Norlon

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 22 [[/preprinted]]
A fine day clear and warm, with a little rain at noon. Ship tacking most of the day back & forth. Get a box on the cabin house to keep my birds in. Harder casting bullets for the ship and some for our guns. Captain much improved taking his dinner & supper with Mr. Hyde. Spend a good part of the day in painting the Portuguese mano'war, and the Atlanta which were recently captured. Make some pretty fair pictures. Call the Atlanta provisionally "Scammonii" which tickles the Captain. Davis has a passage through the agency of 30 grains of calomel and 2 oz Epsom salts.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Morning drizzly and wet, as usual on inspection days. Lay round reading Magdalen Hepburn for the third time. It is a sweet and beautiful story. Muster at 10.30'. Make the tour of the ship with Captain Scammon, Mr. Hyde, Lieut Davison, and Adjt. Wright. Everything beautifully clean and nice except the ward room water closet. Get some beautiful specimens of the Physalia and Janthina bifida and globulosa. Make sketch in colors of the latter. Green peas fresh beef & plum duff for dinner. Russian a little after noon.

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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, JULY 24, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. A seven knot breeze has been blowing all night. and we are going along merrily tot he course of NNW 1/2N. which is a pleasant relief to the monotony of the last two days in which we have made by twenty two miles. Say my first lesson in Russian to Mr. Libourne, progress but slowly. The tug of way is evidently learning the alphabet. the pronounciation and spelling; the grammar is comparatively easy. Write up notes on Janthina and other recent captures. Spend the evening in the captains cabin & discuss the affairs of the nation. Mr. Hyde lets on, freely says he likes the army &c, and defends Sherman doggedly.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 25 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Rout out Harder a half hour before his time much to his disgust. Spend most of the morning in writing out in Russian. the first page of the [[note: Romanized transcription: "Otchet" Rossisko-Amerikanskoi kompanii za 1860 godu]] "Отчетъ Российсско-Американской компанiи зa 1860 году" and succeed quite well. Libourne has no patience unless one knows perfectly what they have been studying in which he is not far from right. Throw the trawl net several times and get some small fish and some salpae, and a great many of the "Velellae" and a very singular looking specimen of a shrimp

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Orders for all hands to drill with Sharps carbines except adjutant, surgeon, quartermaster & Bischoff, which is very nice for me, as I can look on and see the others drilling, and keep my hands in my pockets. Get out a muzzle for Cook. Practice in the morning with great guns blank. round shot & shrapnel. Spend most of the day trawling and get some good things. Pteropods & three species of Janthina. and any number of crabs. Sight a bark on our lee about 15 miles off. Spend most of the evening with Capt

Transcription Notes:
Russian transliteration is modified Library of Congress system. Translated: "Report of the Russian-American Company for the year 1860." Alaska was still part of Russia in 1865. Rosanne Johnson Great work with the Russian Rosanne! I have edited to transcribe as best I can what Dall has written and will raise with TC as to what to do about the russian symbols he uses. There have been previous issues where symbols haven't merged with various systems the TC uses after transcription is complete. -@siobhanleachman Agreed. I had transcribed original Russian on another page and added the transliterated version in the Notes. Have to find out the way we should do it. 11/20/15 RJ