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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Make some turpentine liniment, for the carpenters rheumatism. Get to work & sew steadily on my flag and nearly finish it except the edging where the halyard goes. Sew nearly all day. Just before dinner hear a cry of porpoises! and go up on deck to see Mr. Walker harpoon one, but owing to not hauling in quickly he was lost. A number of whales were seen by some of the boys. Finish my sheet of signals & flags for Capt. Scammon. Harder dines with the Capt. Talk Poland with Libourne who I hear from Hyde is Austrian. 

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 3 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. A heavy sea on and considerable wind but rather on our beam, so we have to knock off about five points which would bring us nearly to Queen Charlotte Island. Lat. 54°.14' no longitude taken. Some of the fellows sick but do not become so my self. Try to work on my flag, but the air in the cabin is too much for me and retreat to the deck. Cook is seasick and our dinner consequently is none of the best. Ananias & Libourne dine with the Capt. Get out a "Song of a thousand years" & start to learn it.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 4 [[/preprinted))
Morning. Things rolling about beautifully. Waked up about 3 A.M. by Cotter who has strained his wrist. Give him a wet compress & turn in again. Day cold & cloudy. Try & work a little on Russian. Rolling so I can't write, too cold to read on deck & sickish in the wardroom. Ananias comes down more suddenly than gracefully in the morning on deck. Try fishing but nothing comes to hand. See what I take to be Fregetta Laurencii Bon. a small black & white bird flying like a plover. Finish my flag. Rice for dinner which goes well. A large sicklist.

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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, still a heavy sea on, foggy & chilly. Get out the Newcomes & read the first volume. Find it sweet & bitter like all Thackerays writings, & but for a little overlengthening in some places, very pleasant. Get up a sharp discussion on slavery and treason at lunch & pitch in promiscuously without fear of consequences. I never will truckle to treason or toadying in any case. Afternoon see many finback whales spouting in every direction. See the grand old peaks of Point Frederick, Queen Charlottes Island, standing out above the fog. Tack when within 7 miles. 

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 6 [[/preprinted]]
Morning calm and comfortable. Land out of sight but numerous Mormon arcticus & a hawk were seen scooting about; also much kelp floating. Muster passes off all right, & inspect the ship afterwards. Everything in beautiful order. See numerous finback whales spouting and see one quite near the vessel turning over in the water. Rain and mist in the afternoon. H. titillating but no results! Wow!!!! Write a long letter to mother in the evening. Only twenty eight hours from Litka with a fair wind.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, land again in sight. Prince of Wales Island. Throw my trawl & fetch up my pine seeds and leaves and sundry little sand fleas & shrimps etc. showing land is near. Hazy Islands in sight in the afternoon. With volcanic rocks. Mormon arcticus very uneasy in his mind about our intentions and a large flock come off to inspect us. See about having my boat fitted up. Col. Hyde very obliging. Speak to him about Alzimora. Pass the most of the evening with the Captain and have Jay Chappel copying my notes in the day.