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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. All serene,too muchly in fact. Robinson kindly volunteers to copy off my remaining uncopied notes so that I shall have that off my hands. Set the sail for my boat under way, and set to make myself a dredging box, rather roughly but sufficient, good for the purpose. Try net over and get nothing in it. red slime, the whale feed, Cleaning and fixing up for entering into port. Afternoon. All hands at quarters, exercised at the great guns at quarters to repel boarders etc. Read some in Moby Dick by Melville. Awful stuff. Evening, in the cabin.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 9 [[/preprinted]]
Morning Still calm. About 2 o'clock P.M. a faint breeze carries us forward at about two knots an hour. Mt. Edgecombe in sight and drawing nearer. Fish up bryozoa, barnacles and kelp. Label roughly our voyage series. Find a scecies of Lacuna or Lettorina in the kelp. Fire four blank guns and two solid shot. Men exercised at quarters again. Am detailed by Mr. Hyde as surgeon to the "Golden Gate", being before only surgeon to the land forces on board; though actuallyd oing all the duties. Come to anchor in the outer bay at 9 P.M. 210 ft water; two canoes and a pilot come off. The Clara Bell and Steamer are here. Steamer arrived yesterday. Is now beached for repair and will be off tonight at two and will tow us into the bay. Gov. of Sitka is away at sea. 

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 10 [[/preprinted]]
Up early and find we are slowly but surely nearing the entrance to Sitka Harbor. The pilot is a halfbreed talking Russian. Enter the harbor, go round among the islands and bring up before the village with dipping flags and a reciprocal salute of twenty one guns. The town and indians are very ugly but the islands are green and picturesque. The water is very clear and cold. The shores are mostly rocky. Col. Buckley comes aboard. Kennicott and Lewis and Chappell. Take the dingy, go about some, and get a lot of starfish, crabs, eels, shells etc. Get Harder ashore and talk with R.K. in evening. 

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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Get things together to go out for the day, when the vice Governor is expected alongside and have to rig up in uniform to receive him with military honors. After he is gone, get Pease, Adams, Mike and George Dow, and go up among the beautiful green islands and get some partrisges, snails a jay, a sort of thrush, a pigeon-gull and numerous smaller things. Have a pleasant time and get back to supper. Go down to the Fish house with Alex and give one brace of grouse to Col B. and the other to the Captain. Evening write letters home and to Frisco.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 12 [[/preprinted]]
Today, is the Russian Sabbath. They are nearly twelve days behind the world, keeping all accounts etc. by old Style dates. Go on shore to witness the service in the Greek Church. They were very singular, resembling the Catholic. The church was plentifully decorated with gold and silver embossed pictures. Go aboard again and come again ashore in the afternoon with Kennicott and Harder and have a long powwow with three chiefs. Go afterward to the garden, the sawmill the river and along the beach and collect some Helices etc. 

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 13 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Get to work and clean up one of the rusty old Russian sabres, to wear on inspection. It is the first inspection when Col. Buckley and the marine Officers of the other vessels have been present. Go with Col. B. and the Captain to inspect the Clara Bell and the Steamer. Afternoon about half past two draw up all hands to have a powwow with the two Kolosh chiefs and the Chilcat chief who was squirted on. Make them presents and give them dinner etc. and after they are gone go down to Milton Badger [gust in?]. See Bannister and coming back R.K.