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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. After the usual series of annoyances and delays I get off in the dingy with Ketchum and Adams & Mr. Kennicott. We go down opposite the hospital and dredge till twelve o'clock and get some good things. Come back to the Gate and go ashore again taking a book of birds tc to Mr Lugevil for the Princess Mascutoff. Go to Dr Fisher Dr. Tolings and about town. Back and dine on board the Steamer. Board the Gate & get musice for Mr Lugevil. which leave with his servant, go to Dr Fishers & Dr. Tolings again, then up to the garden, drink "fifteen drops" and back to the Gate with Kennicott & the Captain in the rain.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 15 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. With the whaleboat, M'Crae, Norton, Moroe, and Davis, and fifty fathoms of line, go down the bay and dredge all the morning. Get some very fine things, among others a crab hidden under his carapax like a Chinaman under his umbrella. Go back to lunch. McRae goes off and have some little discussion as to replacing him, the boys being mostly [[underline]] hors du combat [[/underline]] from last nights drunk. Back to dinner and put away most of our things. Change shoulder straps and spend most of the evening with the Captain, Cotter back the mountain measures 5216 feet.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 16 [[/preprinted]]
Morning Rainy and wet. Get together my Pacific collections and label and pack them. Kennicott comes aboard and we go on board the Clara Bell and pack the Dr's specimens & our own in a box for Frisco for the S.I. Stay to lunch with Capt. Lands who is a whole man. Go back on board the Golden Gate late and get out an equipment for old Bischoff who stays here till next year. Get them out finally, as they are breaking out the Milton Badger along side taking her equipment for the Anadyr Expedition under McRae. Dow does note go to Victoria in the Clara Bell. Make out list of medicine.
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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Late to breakfast. Milton Badger alongside recieve stones for the Anadyr R. Ex. which M'Rae commands. Dog Cooke is removed to her. Go on shore and see Dr. Fisher about men and medicines. Come on board and meet old Bischoff and help him off with his equipment; which is very good. Go ashore again in the afternoon and go up to the River and collect emails. See my little squaw at the hospital and see Indians gaffing salmon. Norton goes aboard the M.B. Fisher, M.D. on the Gate. I shall resign my position as surgeon soon as he comes aboard. K. has the Lizzie Homer to go up the Youkan in, probably.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 18 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Damp & chilly. Go ashore in the morning to find out about the Doctors plans, but get no satisfaction and go aboard the Wright soon after & see K. Things are gloomy as usual. It will be a direct interposition of divine Providence, if this Expedition ever comes to success under existing circumstances. Afternoon. Go ashore with Capt. Scammon to see Princess Macsutoff but she is unwell & can't receive. Capt. proposes & orders me to take charge of the clothing dept. Spend most of the evening arranging the slopchest & cataloguing. 

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 19 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Raining hard. Harder and the others packing up to go aboard the Milton Badger. Bannister comes aboard. Make all accounts square. Work all the morning at cleaning out after Alex. May possibly have the room to myself after this. I don't like my present position much but shall float with the current. Hydrophobia is generally fatal. Clean a lot of clamshells in the rain for the cause of science. Evening. talk with My. Whymper the artist who goes with us.