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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Fair. fresh wind, and going right along in tow. Fling over my towing net but get nothing by fish eggs. Go below and sketch the animal and shell of the new Pteropod that I got the other day. Get out some drawing paper from below, and grind down a broken pair of scissors so as to be as good as new. Dr. Fisher brings out a number of the Smithsonian Pamphlets & lets one have them. They will be very useful particularly the ones on the mollusea. In the evening write up notes of Sitka. The Wright lets go her hawser and cuts away to windward again. Going 9 knots

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 27 [[/preprinted]]
Morning as usual on muster days rainy and rough. Go to work on my notes of the fauna around and about Sitka. Finish them up finally. and also on the new shell I got the other day which may be allied to lealcarella.
In the forenoon the steamer comes alongside but won't tow, which is cowardly in them and annoying to us. Lay around loose all day and read Woodwards Manual on Gerographical histribution. Caulk the leak in our cabin roof.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 28 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. In sight of Ookemak island, a penal settlement for dissolute and disorderly characters from the other parts of the Russian possessions. It was once colonized artificially with marmots, and the convicts are employed preparing skins for the R.A. Co. The steamer gets some of her pins loose and casts off the hawser early in the day. and it is late in the afternoon before we get started again. fairly on our course. Occupy myself in correcting the errata in Woodward with pen & ink. Throw out the net in the morning but obtain but little. Rock bottom, 22 fath.
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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Land in sight. Islands and part of the peninsula of Aliaska. Have no trouble with the old teakettle today. Large numbers of jellyfish going by, of three or four species. Obtain more pterpods of the genus Limacina and have both nets over the side. Take a sketch of a curious rock off our starboard quarter. Grren at work on the Lizzie Homer which has been sheathed & coppered to resist ice. and strengthened inside. In the afternoon see a shoal of killers, a sort of whale and also a brown seal quite near the vessel. A beautiful day & a most magnificent sunset. Spend the evening with the Capt.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 30 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Toward noon enter the passage between Aliaska and the island, and pass by the most beautiful scenery imaginable. Pass Ivanous Point or Cape, names after Mr. Ivanov of Sitka. The country is broken into rough sharp peaks, many of which are covered with snow and ice. Make into Ounga Harbor where there is a deserted house and a coal seam uncovered on the face of the cliffs. Go on shore mount the highest peak, coming down meet the Cols B. & H. and go on board the Wright to supper. Afterward again ashore for fossil wood, and return late

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 31 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Make the port waistboat and with a crew of five men take soundings in diagonals for four miles in length across the mouth of the harbor. The sea bottom is hard and almost carpeted with echini. I saw in 8 fathoms of water Actinias eight to ten inches in diameter. Back to lunch where we have a small party, most of them being on shore. Take Cotter ashore and go over another diagonal, and dredge a little; get some good things. Recall is made and returning are ordered back for the boatswain who is on the sand spit of the Haystack. After some delay get under weigh, and are towed out of harbor.