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[[preprinted]]THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1865.[[/preprinted]
Morning, a fine brisk wind, blowing toward St. Pauls Island, but the vessel pitches a good deal. Change the dryers of the plants obtained at Ounga Island and find them rather to my surprise in good condition. Get a pair of large presses from Mr. Hyde. The water comes over the bows today in a stream; for the first time since we left home. Mr. Hyde has finished his chart of Ounga Island, Coal Harbor; but it is not quite correct. Talk with Captain S. on matters and things, and read Woodward in evening.

[[preprinted]]FRIDAY 8[[/preprinted]]
Morning. Rolling away at a great rate, but going finely on our course making nearly ten knots at one time. Look over Capt [[?Kabduris; Kalduris]] chart of Ounga, and also Col. Hydes and find errors in both particularly the last named. Make a drawing of an outline chart of the harbor which I will finish up at my leisure when the rolling will permit. Try to read but can't with comfort; turn in early but have to keep awake all night holding myself into my bunk.

[[preprinted]]SATURDAY 9[[/preprinted]]
Morning. Rolling like all possessed. Called on deck to see if my things are all O.K. and find them so. Wind blowing a gale all day. "Hove to" and with maintopsail half reefed alone. Soundings give 19 fathoms, soft sandy mud. We are nearly off Cape Romanzoff. Bet four plugs of tobacco with Ennis that Monday night 12 finds us at our destination. Pretty close but five miles an hour with fair winds will find us there. Evening, with Whymper in cabin.
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[[preprinted]]SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
Morning, rainy and wet as usual. Fly round to get things in order for inspection. Clears off about eleven though the decks are very wet. Row about the question as to whether a plug of tobacco is a plug of tobacco or only a quarter of a plug. Set to work and make a chart of Coal Harbor, Ounga Island, for Capt. Scammon. Mr. Black helps. Evening. Talk over matters and things with him. Wind fair and faint. Talk with Dr. Fisher, make corrections in my chart, and turn in.

[[preprinted]]MONDAY 11[[/preprinted]]
Morning. Winds light and variable. Start early in the morning to copy my Ounga chart again. I work most of the day at it and nearly complete it. Add a small etching in pen and ink of the harbor seen from the house. It looks quite well. It is quite evident that I shall lose my bet on our arrival at Redoubt Saint Michaels only however on account of the light wind yesterday. Constant soundings are kept up on board, and the water is very shallow, the soundings only average about 10 fath.

[[preprinted]]TUESDAY 12[[/preprinted]]
Morning. Land in sight but on account of not having any observation for the last two cloudy days are not quite sure of what it is. Box up the fossil wood from Ounga Island, and make ready to close the other box of specimens from that and other localities. Capt. Scammon wishes me to paint the Union for a Revenue Jack and I sketch out the eagle in crayon. Toward evening, sight Stuart and St. Michaels Islands, and land in many directions. Make ready to anchor and fire a gun.