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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Fair and mild. Our port I have decided in of our course etc. is Petropolvsk. The day being fair we have no muster, though we have all prepared for it. Set at work on the chart of Plover Bay and surroundings, for Captain Scammon from the sketch by Capt. Kadin and nearly finish it working with Black all the afternoon. Have a wonderful dinner, venison, cranberrys, corn and tomatoes. Evening, talk over report etc. with the Captain, and insist on the right of addressing it directly to Col. Bulkley which is finally conceded on condition that it first pass through his hands. Night clear. 

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
Dull and cloudy. Read Henry Kingsleys Hellyars and the Burtons a pleasantly told, absurd story of England and Australia. Get the seal set up and spend all the morning hacking the bones out of the mass of fat and flesh. Afternoon set at chart of Plover Bay and finish it. Have a slight diarrhea which remedy by a little portwine and brandy. Evening talk with Capt. Scammon and Whymper, and attend a midnight feast of the F.H.I. on lobster salad. Hyde is getting run considerable on his assumed morality. There is more nastiness and cussing floating round loose, than any time since we started. 

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 3 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Dull and rainy. Vessel pitching heavily and a great scramble for grub. Spend most of the day in making copies in my own mapbook of the Reconaissance of Coal Harbor, Onuga Island, and of our enlarged sketch of Plover Bay, for future reference. Finished up my little chart of ["Cunikie"] and lay down our courses hitherto. Deck leaking about a pint an hour into my rubber blanket-which by great good fortune I have with me. Toward evening the wind changes and the vessel's motion becomes less disagreeable. 

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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, clearer and pleasanter than yesterday. But little wind, and we are beating about without making much headway - Pack the larger objects in alcohol in the keg prepared by Capt. Scammon and turn the rest into the cans. Write up list of collections and Bannisters notes in Coal Harbor strata, as well as my own. Evening, write to Prof. Baird and finish up to departure from St. Michaels. No improvement in the weather.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Rolling as bad as ever, and spend the greater part of my breakfast dinner and lunch upon my clothes  an d the floor and table. Our side being, the lee side. Spend nearly all day with Black in the forward cabin drawing charts of Arachinskaia Bay and Petropavlovsk Harbor where we are bound. Play checkers with Black and as usual get woefully beaten. In the evening continue my letter to Professor Baird and sundry other small matters. We are nearly half way to our destination and have been as for several days. The steamers gone to Anadyr. 

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 6 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Clear and fine. Rolling badly. Go on with my charts and finish Petropavlovsk. Map out on a fine chart of of the N. Pacific. The courses of the Golden Gate from the time she left San Francisco up to today and get through although the ships pitching makes it rather ticklish work. Find a map of the Island of Guam which turns out to be one of the Ladrones, and has several good sized towns in it. Make a tracing of it and begin to transfer it to my mapbook. Hoist a new main topgallant sail, in the P.M. Wind goes down somewhat.