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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1865. [[preprinted]]
Morning, calm but cloudy. Prepare to go ashore in uniform but Capt. Scammon informs me that some ladies are to come aboard to lunch with him and advises me to wait and see them, which I do and am introduced to the Port - Captain, civil Governor, doctor, postmaster and a Cossack Officer and two ladies. They invite me to visit them very pressingly. Corlin? and the rest hardly over his drunk. Pearce invites me to go to Avatcha in his boats and obtain permission from Capt. S. Whymper paints me the Cynthia and Geo. Dow brings me a number of fine trout. Go ashore with Capt. in Ev. 

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 20  [[preprinted]]
Morning, clear and fine. Steamer Geo. S. Wright comes in from Anadyr. Get every thing ready and go in the gig about ten oclock to ask leave of absence to go to Avatcha in Mr. Pierces boat. Col. Bulkley, consents, and leaving in a whale boat at eleven arrive at Avatcha at one and are quartered at Nicolai's. One boat goes back and the other proceeds with goods up the river. Go part way up in it and return. Sleep on the floor on my blankets and some hay very well. Smith with me and we are well furnished with arms.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 21  [[preprinted]]
Up very early. Go out and see a wolf but do not succeed in shooting him. After breakfast of curds and cream, tea and hard bread, we start over the bay in a dugout with Alexander Alexis to Yaggut nemise or berry point where shells are said to be thick. Go up and down the point and get a good many. Go up by the branches in the delta and Smith shoots six or eight ducks, teal, blue-wing and midgeon also a whistler. Reach home at about six and have a very good appetite and supper. 
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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1865. [[preprinted]]
Morning very cold and clear, several parts of the bay frozen over. See millions of gulls and hair seals ready for migrating. Can't get boat or shot to go ducking and stroll about collecting. Get many shells. Have ducks for dinner and Alexis and family go haying. Spend most of the afternoon fooling with Matrona, the fear of Nicolai not being before our eyes, at five the whale boat returns and we sail for Petropaulovsk with a head wind and arrive about eight, having had a good time. In the evening write up diary and skin an owl.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 23 [[preprinted]]
Morning clear and fine. Kill a sheep. Go ashore after breakfast with Whymper, Capt. Scammon and Col. Bulkley and call at the Port captains, the Governor of Kamchatka, the Doctor, the Postmaster and his pretty wife and Mr. Pearce. Go aboard to lunch and in the afternoon go over to Serraglaski with Capt. S. the Col. and Mr. Hunter. The walk was pleasant and we were received with milk, berries, tea etc. by the Cossack woman. All the men are sailors and away. Return and skin the gull in the evening, a very nasty job. Capt. ashore. 

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 24 [[preprinted]]
Morning, ask and receive permission to go ashore on a collecting tour. The Col. has shut down on our indiscriminate going ashore on Hydes and others account as they were fast wearing out our welcome for us. Start over the hill and notwithstanding the predictions of Miss Boshoi and Coale, reach the large lake east of the town in about two hours, eat a lunch of hardtack and raisins there and return in about the same time. The total distance is about 12 miles. Evening, all the officers invited to the Port captain's tomorrow. 
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