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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1865. [[preprinted]]
Morning. Go ashore about eleven. Go back for my glasses and find some fine medusae on the shore. Go up to the Port Captain Cykmevou's and remain till three in the afternoon; at dinner take in Madame Priestess. Go down to Phlugero in afternoon and arrange about the squirrel skin blanket. Up to the Port captains again about seven, and remain during the evening. Smoke about twenty Papirouses and finally under urgent persuasion from Madame, dance two or three quadrilles with Russian ladies. One the daughter of Mr. Fletcher whose sone goes to San Francisco with us, a very fine looking girl though speaking no english. One with Madame Cymkevou and [[preprinted]] THURSDAY 26 [[preprinted]] one with the postmaster wife. She is a Kamchadab, very pretty and the most pleasant lady in the room. Take her into dinner at midnight and sit at the head of the table opposite Capt. Scammon and the lady of the [Conparne?] of Kamchatka and next to Col. Bulkley. Have Russian and English songs and return about 3.1/2 AM. Sleep till 8. Go ashore with Whymper and leave my photo at the Port Capts. Go up on the battle hill and then aboard. In the afternoon go with Bricktop and get two thirty two pound solid shot remaining since the battle Aug 10, 1854 O.S. Skating. Evening, packing up some of my specimens to be ready for the excursion to the warm springs tomorrow. 

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 27 [[preprinted]]
Col. unwell. Called up early in the morning by Capt. Scammon and receive instructions to remain aboard all day, which is rainy and cloudy. Send a note by Wright to the Postmasters wife who goes on the excursion; which starts about half past ten. Steamer with ladies on board and others from the town go round the harbor, returns about two o'clock and starts off again, finally returning about seven P.M. Sorry not to be able to go. But the weather is nasty. Read in Abbots Napoleon, and get permission to go ashore for all night but do not, on account of Davisons insolence for which I pay him off. 

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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1865. [[preprinted]]
Russian Sunday. Go ashore early in the morning to church with Smith, stopping first at Mr. Pflugers, but find the service almost over. See Madame Baishov there. After service go again up to Pflugers, lunch there go down to the spit with him and returning go into Mr. Pierces where I dine. Go skating in the afternoon and go and dress at Mr. Pearces and then with all hands down to the Pspravniks house where we pass a very pleasant evening, cards, dancing, refreshments and so forth. Dance about a dozen quadrilles, one or to with the Post, masters wife, and take her in to dinner. Capt.
[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 29 [[preprinted]]
Scammon returns early after dinner, but I remain till all is over. They dance the Vasmurka and I attend Madam B. home in spite of our Cossack friends. Return on board the Yate about 5 o'clock A.M. and turn in till about ten. After lunch go ashore and with Smith, Norton and Pfluger dine at the Pspravniks. Walk out and meet Hyde and Muller and go up to the P.Ms. Spend an hour and a half there and there go with them to Mr. Sutkevois where the Col. and Capt. soon arrive and I go aboard with them and write home and to folks in Victoria, as the Steamer and Whymper leave tomorrow. 

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 30 [[preprinted]]
Morning am notifies to occupy Whympers room and Leborn is to take mine; have it altered so that Norton and he exchange and he finally is ordered back onto the steamer. I am very sorry to have to move and it won't add to my popularity. Spend most of the day, which is rainy and snowy, in getting ready for the change, Leborne is finally ordered back to the steamer, and young Fletcher will go with us to San Francisco. Pack up Petropavlovsk collections and sit with Capt. and Col. in the evening, Mr Pfluger comes aboard.