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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1865. [[/preprinted]]
Morning early fog remaining, no wind, falling off & on. Brush up old clothes to put away and new ones to put on. About ten, fog clears up and about half past ten pass the North Farallones and have a good favorable breeze spring up for which all hands are greatly thankful. About two, sight the heads and have a race with an English clipper to get in. Go in abreast and anchor off Miggs Wharf about half past four. A heavy fog with sleet and driving rain prevents us from getting ashore. No news, but the Wright got in today, badly damaged in the gale of the seventeenth.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 [[/preprinted]]
Get ashore about ten by Jones boat. Rush baldheaded and get my hair cut. Up to Hubbards for my letters & find him out, moving, and not to be in today. Up to the telegraph office and leave a telegram on file for Baird as the wire is down. Meet Dr. Ayres there. No letters at the Post Office. Step into Capt. Noyes' office and meet Wright with a pack of letters very welcome, go up to Stearns office read them & borrow $20.00 till we are paid off.  Step into Van Tassels Store, call and leave letters for Mrs Denison, call on Miss Klinkofström & Miss de Ro. Go up to Stearns to sleep. Post letters as per mem.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
Down town, get me a cheap flannel coat, new watch, glass &c. Hubbard out but sends letters by Dr. Fisher. See Gabb, go to lunch with him, and find Hyde at his old tricks. Seek Col. Bulkley but don't find him. 
Get diary and have it bound. Get cards under way at Town & Bacons. Meet Col. at the Occidental. Go to find Mrs. Scammon. Go round to Mrs Ayres, find the house. Dine with Scammon & Capt. Sands & afterwards with Ayers. Spend the evening there and up to Stearns to sleep.  All went will with the Col. 

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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1865. [[/preprinted]]

Early in the morning look over shells with Stearns. Go to Starr Kings Church, meet Mr. Stebbins and occupy Capt Noyes pew with him and Miss Noyes. Mr. Ames preaches a Christian sermon from a pagan text. After church introduce myself and go to dine with him at C.C. Lows, on the hill; the Governors brother. I found them a very pleasant family & they kindly invited me to call often. Stay to lunch and dinner; after dinner go to Capt. Noyes', spend the evening and back to Stearns to sleep.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 4 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, into new office corner of Montgomery and Pine Streets. Go down to see Gross of the Evening Bulletin and leave some mems of our sci. work. Find Col. B who has no orders, meet Capt Scammon and go into Heuston Hastings and Co., then to Stearns office & to lunch with him. Go over to wharf, wait an hour for boat, none comes return to office and dine with Stearns. Evening to meeting of the Cal. Acad. Sci. where I give them same account of the seasons work. Meet Prof. Whitney, hear of Pumpellys work in China. Stearns to sleep

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning into office wait some time and meet Whymper, go up with him to his room. See Col. Bulkley and explain to him that I should like to be detached on shore. The living on board a vessel in the stream, in such a harbor as San Francisco, is nothing but a humbug. Lunch aboard the Milton Badger and go over to the Gate afterward. Spend the rest of the day in repacking the boxes of specimens to be sent to Washington. Evening write up memo