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[[preprinted]]WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6,1865[[preprinted]]

Morning. Get a boat and the Galoot,and go to the P.M.S.S.Cos Wharf and leave five boxes for the S.I.  Go down to Hubbards and leave a note for him. Go around with Capt. S. Lee Stearns, back, and off again. Up to his house; down to the Occidental; meet Coues, just from Arizona; go up to Hubbards house and dine with him. Go and call  on Miss de Ro, go home with Mrs. Kochkin. Up to Stearns', all abed, go down to Chappels Room and sleeping under a newspaper only.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 7  [[preprinted]]

Catch a bad cold. Morning get some drawing paper go down to the pier and wave my handkerchief for an hour but get no response; go down and get the old boatman to put me aboard. Davison cross as a bear and the caulkers pounding like  forty thousand blacksmiths. Get the remainder of the maps, office furniture etc. together and take them ashore to the office. Work til late in the afternoon in the office on the Captains flags and having nearly finished, ruin the whole thing. Begin another and come off to the gate where we have a good Thanksgiving turkey. Write all evening with Black.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 8 [[preprinted]]

Morning, late to breakfast. Go ashore with Davison, Black, Smith, and leonlin, who by the way has not resigned his commission on account of having to live aboard the vessel. Go down to the office and draw a sheet of flags for Capt Scammon to send East. Spend nearly all day at work on it. Have a disagreeable cold. See Gross of the Bulletin and learn that my memoranda will be published in tomorows Evening Bulletin. Get my address cards, See Stearns and go home to dine with him. Spend the evening looking over shells and sleep there.

[[preprinted]]SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9,1865[[PREPRINTED]]

Morning, up late, and after breakfast, down town with Col. Bulkly who assures me of a berth on shore as soon as the vessel is moored at the wharf. Round to lunch with Stearns and find that there is no chance to go over to Dr. Newcombs, as proposed, on account of a lease to be looked over. Go down to Raymonds and look over a lot of shells of Bridges ! Go up to the office, meet Capt Scammon, fur biz. is fixed and then on board.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 10 [[preprinted]]

Morning wakened by the rats running over my head and the rattling of the hauser attached to the tug Merrimac which is to take us to our moorings. Captain Scammon comes aboard stays a few minutes and goes ashore again. About nine oclock we are made fast to the pier in Mission Bay near the Potvero. Go up to Stan Kings church where Mr. Stebbins preaches a good sermon. Walk downtown with Mr.Noyes. Mrs N is quite sick. Go over to
Arm.Exchange meet Whymper etc, go over to his room, meet
Laborne, go over with him to his room. Go to Mr. [C.C.?]
Lows to dine  and in the evening call on Consul Klinkofstrom, aboard.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 11 [[preprinted]]
Go up to town about ten oclock, go down to the office, step in and see Stearns; Talk over Bridges to Gabb, go to the Basquis and get diary for 1866, newbound.
Go to Grays, get my insignia repaired and new bug made. Bancrofts and look over books. Up to the office, Col. wishes me to live aboard the vessel. Write up notes and
mems. Afternoon pay my debts to Capt. Scammom, Stearns and $25 on my note to Paine. Go round looking for a Deminger, meet Ames who goes round with me some till we meet Mr. Levair. Back to office, finish flags for Capt. on board. Even. call on Stebbins-