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[[preprinted]]MEMORANDA.[[/preprinted]] ^[[Feb. 1. 1865.]]
On the 16th of July, 1864, I was engaged by Col. J.W. Foster, of Chicago, to accompany him as his assistant, to Lake Superior, on behalf of the Iron Cliff Co. with a pledge of one years employment. I left to accept this position a situation in the Land Office of the Illinois Central R.R. where I held the confidence, I believe, of both my companions, and my employers. I took this step at the advice of Col. F. & Mr. E.H. Sheldon, a shareholder & brother in law of the most heavily interested man Mr. Tilden viz Wm. B. Ogden.  They assured me of permanent employment, at a reasonable rate of compensation. I went by Str. Planet to Marquette arriving July 20. and was with Col. F. in camp all summer, and I believe fulfilled my duties, as clerk, paymaster, explorer, timekeeper, and geological assistant, to his satisfaction.  Messrs Tilden, Ogden Dunlap &c came to examine our work, about Sept. 16. Without any request, Mr. Ogden, and Mr. Tilden proposed to me to return (contrary to my previous plan) to Chicago, and work up the analyses of the ores. They also spoke well of my work and assured me of permanent employment if I did my duty and stuck by the Company. I returned with Col. F. about Oct. 3rd & all preparations were made, except a few minor details, to go on with the assays, when he started for New York, Nov 5th or thereabouts. Delays occurred till nearly the first of Dec. when I rec'd a letter from Col. F. saying that Mr. Tilden had contracted with Dr. Draper of New York, to do the work which had been promised me; and that on being asked the reasons for this change replied "This Company is not an eleemosynary institution for the education of young men." Thenceforth to Feb. 1st I was busily employed in assisting Col. F. to draw up his elaborate Report on the Summers work and the accompanying sections maps &c. I was then informed by him that he should soon have no further work for me, and that he had not been informed that any had been provided for me elsewhere. About six of the twelve months for which employment was pledged me had passed. I then wrote to Mr. Ogden laying these facts before him and await his answer.
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Feb 8. Settle with the Company through Col. Foster to Feb. 6 at $65.00 a month, and pay him $8.00 for board per week.
Feb 17. Write Bob to this effect.  If I go [[superscript]]I[[/superscript]]I cannot save enough to support myself while working up, any part of the collections scientifically after my return. [[superscript]]II[[/superscript]]I can get no help from the Smithsonian. [[superscript]]III[[/superscript]]If I remain in the service of the Telegraph Co. I cannot of course do any scientific work. [[superscript]]IV[[/superscript]]If you will show me the way in which I can earn a bare support (all I ask) and still do valuable scientific work, (for, say, five years,) I will go. [[superscript]]V[[/superscript]]If nothing turns up here, of any value, I will go. [[superscript]]VI[[/superscript]]But otherwise I do not think I am called upon to do it. [[superscript]]VII[[/superscript]]I should not desire to go as a mere collector & taxidermist, or as a mere employe of the Telegraph Co at $30 a month without a chance to do some scientific work on returning Mar. 4. The lead men not coming to time, I decide to go with Bob. Mother agreeing. Mar. 8. Leave Chicago for New York. Mar. 21. Leave New York for San Francisco Mar. 31. Arrive at Greytown. April 12 Leave San Juan del Sur. for San Francisco. April 25. Arrive in San Francisco. Kept waiting with vexatious delays and many annoyances for nearly two & a half months. Leave San Francisco on the twelfth of July, on bark Golden Gate. Am appointed Acting Surgeon. Sail 14th of July from Drakes Bay for Sitka, leaving our consort the Geo. S. Wright to steam to Victoria with Col. Bulkley & Kennicott direct. Arrive at Sitka after a prosperous voyage & find the Steamer there. August 9th of that day am ordered to duty as ship surgeon of the Gate. 19th. resign to Dr. Fisher and am ordered on duty as storekeeper of the clothing department. 22nd Leave Sitka in company with the Wright for the Aleutian islands. Sept. 1. Separate from the Steamer. Sept 12. Arrive at St. Michaels. Norton Sound. See Kennicott under way but not
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