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[[preprinted]] MEMORANDA. [[/preprinted]]
off and leave for Plover Bay to meet the steamer, on Sept 7. Arrive at Plover Bay Sept. 25. Steamer sails 27. Leave Sept. 29. Arrive at Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka Oct 15th. Steamer arrives Oct. 20. and leaves Oct. 31. We leave November 3rd, I having shifted my quarters to the cabin. Reach San Francisco, after a heavy gale on the 30th the Wright arriving the same day, earlier, badly damaged in the same gale. Send off our collections to Washington. Secure the Chilian plants of the late Dr. Bridges, for the Smithsonian, write a memorial for the Cala. Academy of[[strikethrough]] or [[/strikethrough]] him. Add largely to my own collections. Make preparations to work at the Survey Rooms. Start in to help up the Cala. Academy, to a state of usefulness.

So ends the chapter for 1865. An eventful and successful year for me. With strength, opportunity and the help of God. I will be way ahead next year of my present position.

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[[preprinted]] MEMORANDA. [[/preprinted]]
Telegraphed Baird
Dec. 1.
Kennicott & his party including Pease and Bannister were left at St. Michaels, Norton Sound Sept. 17. All well. The seasons work is successful though small. I take charge in his absence. Let them know at home of our safe arrival. Particulars by mail.
Dec. 6.
Shipped today five boxes for the steamer of the ninth how many have already arrived?
Dec. 21. Per Col. Bulkley.
Dall has secured Dr. Bridges collections of South American plants. They will be shipped by the next steamer.
Dec. 30 Per. Col. Bulkley.
Three boxes and two kegs shipped by todays steamer. Balance of collections.

Letters to Baird
Nov. 11. full account of every thing up to arrival in San Francisco, inclosing copy of Report. Ltr. of 9th Dec.
Dec. 16. News and enquiries as to destination of my shell collections (see extract.) Overland.
Dec. 22. News and particulars of Bridges plants by ltr of 30th.