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                CASH ACCOUNT.      FEBRUARY.
DATE |                                  || RECEIVED.||  PAID
     |                                  ||    $ | ¢ ||  $ | ¢
   1 | On hand                          ||    45|65 ||    |
   1 | For mending glasses              ||      |   ||    |65
   1 | binding Carpenter Ve.            ||      |   ||   2|00
   4 | J.W. Putnam additional           ||      |   ||   1|00
   6 | Gloves                           ||      |   ||   1|50
   7 | Cash                             ||      |   ||    |20
   8 | Binding                          ||      |   ||   3|60
   8 | Settlement with the Iron Cliffs  ||   226|46 ||    |
   ″ | Paid Col F. for board 13 weeks   ||      |   || 104|00
   9 | Heat                             ||      |   ||   4|00
   ″ | Carfare                          ||      |   ||    |25
  13 | Expressage                       ||      |   ||   1|60
  14 | Knife                            ||      |   ||   1|50
  16 | Rec'd of Nason                   ||     3|50 ||    |
  20 | Sent Scudder on a/c of books     ||      |   ||   3|50
   ″ | Car fare                         ||      |   ||    |10
  22 | Dinner                           ||      |   ||    |35
  26 | Supper                           ||      |   ||    |35
  26 | Contributions, B.B.              ||      |   ||   2|50
     |                                  ||______|___||____|__
     | Total                            ||   275|61 || 127|10
     | Less board to Mar. 1             ||   142|10 ||  10|00
     |                                  ||——————|———||————|——
     |                                  ||      |   || 137|10
     | Paid J. Washington               ||      |   ||   5|00
     |                                  ||      |   ||————|——
     |                                  ||      |   || 142|10
     |                                  ||      |   ||    |
     | On Hand                          ||  $133|51 ||    |
     |                                  ||======|===||====|==
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
                   CASH ACCOUNT.     MARCH.
DATE |                                  || RECEIVED.||  PAID
     |                                  ||    $ | ¢ ||  $ | ¢
   2 | Pay J. Washington                ||   133|51 ||   4|50
   4 | Rec'd of Geo. C. Walker          ||     9|00 ||    |
     | Pay Frank Davis                  ||      |   ||    |20
     | Pay Geo. C Walker                ||      |   ||    |30
     | Carfare                          ||      |   ||    |05
     | Robt. Kennicott                  ||      |   ||   1|65
   5 | James Folinan for suit           ||      |   ||  42|00
   6 | Flannel shirts 3                 ||      |   ||   6|75
   6 |    ″    drawers 1                ||      |   ||   2|00
   6 | Paper collars, 20                ||      |   ||    |85
   6 | Trunk                            ||      |   ||  14|00
   7 | Board to Wednesday, 8th          ||      |   ||   6|00
   ″ | Two pair of woollen drawers      ||      |   ||   8|25
   ″ | Mittens                          ||      |   ||   3|00
   ″ | Rec'd of Geo. C. Walker for prospective services   |
       in Washington, on collections    ||    25|00 ||    |
   8 | Expressage on trunks             ||      |   ||    |85
   9 | Sleeping car, and dinner         ||      |   ||   1|65
  10 | Dinner                           ||      |   ||    |75
   ″ | Room at Harrisburgh              ||      |   ||   2|00
  11 | Ulké and Kennicott               ||      |   ||  [[11.00 or 15.00?]]
  12 | First Unitarian church of Wash.  ||      |   ||   5|00
   ″ | Rec'd from Uncle William         ||    50|00 ||    |
  16 | Expenses in Washington           ||      |   ||  12|00
     | Books                            ||      |   ||  27|50
     | Expenses to New York             ||      |   ||  12|11
     |    ″     in  ″    ″              ||      |   ||  36|20
     | On hand                          ||      |   ||  25|00
     |                                  ||——————|———||————|——
     |                                  ||   227|51 || 227|51

Transcription Notes:
The first item on Feb. 9 might be "Hat" instead of "Heat" but it's hard to tell because of his fancy capital "H"