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                CASH ACCOUNT.        APRIL.
DATE  |                                  || RECEIVED ||  PAID
      |                                  ||    $ | ¢ ||  $ | ¢
    1 | From R.K. on a/c Tel. Co. specie.||    18|50 ||    |
    5 | Spent in Greytown + transit      ||      |   ||  12|00
      | On hand reduced to specie.       ||    12|50 ||    |
   29 | Cash spent for sundries,         ||      |   ||   2|00
   30 | Rebinding this diary.            ||      |   ||   1|00
      |                                  ||——————|———||————|——
      | Total,                           ||    31|00 ||  15|00
      | Expended,                        ||    15|00 ||    |
      |                                  ||——————|———||————|——
      | On hand                          ||    16|00 ||    |
      |                                  ||======|===||====|==
      | Return to a specie basis         ||      |   ||    |
      |                                  ||      |   ||    |
      | charged to my a/c C.O.T          ||      |   ||    |
      |                                  ||      |   ||    |
      | [[strikeout]]Four doz            ||  $   |   ||    |
      | photographs @1.50[[/strikeout]]  ||      6|00 ||    | [[strikeout]]Uniform,[[/strikeout]]       69|00||   |
[[strikeout]]Dentists bill,[[/strikeout]] ||   100|00||    |
[[strikeout]]                            ||      |   ||    |
Mar.20| Cash $30.00 (greenbax) gold      ||      |   ||    |
      |             [[/strikeout]]       ||    18|50 ||    |
[[strikeout]]Additional tailors bill     ||      |   ||    |
      |             [[/strikeout]]       ||    16|00 ||    |
      | [[strikeout]]Cap[[/strikeout]]   ||     3|00 ||    |
June 16[[strikeout]]Cash[[/strikeout]]   ||    25|00 ||    |
      |                                  ||——————|———||    |
      |                                  ||   237|50 ||    |
{   26| Rec'd from Chappel               ||   { 2|50 ||    |
{24+26| Paid on Cos a/c (see a/c June)   ||   {  |   ||   2|75
    28| 1 doz photographs                ||     1|50 || not|used
      | ([[strikeout]]+cap July 5[[/strikeout]]) |   ||    |
[[strikeout]]                            ||      |   ||    |
    30| Cap ornaments + straps,[[/strikeout]] pd.myself
      |                           [[strikeout]]19|50[[/strikeout]]
July 6|[[strikeout]]Deduct 1 doz photographs[[/strikeout]]
      |                                  ||  [[strikeout]]1|50 
      |                                  ||      |   ||    |
      |            See p. 2 of add. mems.|| Bills|Rec||Dec.|
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
                CASH ACCOUNT.         MAY.
DATE |                                  || RECEIVED.||  PAID
     |                                  ||    $ | ¢ ||  $ | ¢
     | On hand                          ||    16|00 ||    |
    1| Rec'd from Rothrock              ||    10|00 ||    |
    2| Paid for washing (a/c R.)        ||      |   ||   3|50
    3|   ″   ″  carting                 ||      |   ||   2|50
    3|   ″   ″  sundry cash             ||      |   ||   2|00
    4| Paid Rothrock                    ||      |   ||   7|00
    4| Rec'd from Kennicott             ||     7|00 ||    |
    4| Paid for packing Nic. col.       ||      |   ||   4|50
     | Lent Henry Elliott               ||      |   ||   3|00
    6| Spent for Sodawater              ||      |   ||    |25
    9| Paid Major Pope                  ||      |   ||   5|00
   10| Knife                            ||      |   ||   1|50
   14| Cash for washing                 ||      |   ||    |60
   17| From Pope + Elliott              ||     8|00 ||    |
    ″| For fruit                        ||      |   ||    |50
    ″| Home                             ||      |   ||   2|00
   20| Oakland fare                     ||      |   ||    |50
    ″| For Alcohol                      ||      |   ||   1|00
    ″| boots                            ||      |   ||    |30
   27| Paid Charley Pease               ||      |   ||   1|50
   23| Rec'd from R. Kennicott          ||     1|00 ||    |
   30| Paid cash                        ||      |   ||    |60
     |                                  ||——————|———||————|——
     | Totals                           ||   $42|00 ||  36|35
     | Paid out                         ||    36|35 ||    |
     | On Hand                          ||——————|———||    |
     |                                  ||    $5|65 ||    |
     |                                  ||======|===||====|==
     |                                  ||      |   ||    |
     |                                  ||      |   ||    |
     |                    Spent         ||  $237|50 ||    |
     |                    Less 3 mos.   ||    90|00 ||    |
     |                                  ||——————|———||    |
     |                                  ||  $147|50 ||    |