Viewing page 76 of 94

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[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT. DECEMBER. 
[[four column headers]] DATE | | RECEIVED. | PAID. [[/column headers]]

1. | On Hand | $3.10 | $
1. | Borrowed of Stearns. | 20.00 |
 | Paid for coat. | | 7.00
 | Paid for new boots. | | 6.50
 | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] repairs to old ones. | | .75
 | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] Hair cutting | | .25
 | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] new watch crystal. | | .25
 | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] dinner. | | .75
 | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] Diary. | | 1.25
4. | Lent Wright | | 1.00
7. | Rec'd of Capt. Scammon. | 20.00 | 
 | Paid Stearns. | | 10.00
6. | Paid for washing. | | 4.50
 | Fruit. | | .15
7. | Cards. | | 2.15
8. | Dinner. | | 1.00
8. | Lent Glover | | 2.50
10. | Rec'd of Glover | 2.50 |
11. Paid Stearns. | | 10.00
11. | " [[dittos for: Paid]] H.J. Paine on Note. | | 25.00
11. | " [[dittos for: Paid]] Captain Scammon | | 20.00
11. | " [[dittos for: Paid]] Black for Derringer. | | 10.00
11. | " [[dittos for: Paid]] Chappel. | | 6.75
11. | Rec'd of Wright | 1.00 |
11. | " [[dittos for: Rec'd]] W. N. T.Co, to Dec.1. | 100.00 |
11. | Paid for binding new Diary | | 2.00
12. | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] overcoat. | | 15.00
13. | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] purse. | | 1.50
13. | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] eider. | | .50
13. | " " [[dittos for: Paid for]] flowers. | | .25.
 | Totals | $146.60 | $129.05
| To carry back one page. | $13.55 on hand |
[[double line]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] [[strikethrough]] BILLS PAYABLE. [[/strikethrough]] JANUARY.
DATE. NAME. DOLLS. CTS. [[/preprinted]]

Letters written

Jan. 13 Mother. R.V. Curtiss, 14. Ino. G. Anthony, Hyatt, Mother
18 Mother [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]]. Grandma Dall. Miss Langford. 19. Ellen M. Wilde.
24. Sadie. Tom Newell. B. Westerman. Mother. 26. Seudder. 30. Putnam. 
30 R.C. Chace. Wesson. 31. Miss Merriam.
In all 19.

[[preprinted]] RECEIVABLE. [[/preprinted]] 
Letters Received
Jan 10. Ino. G. Anthony. 13. Mother. Sadie. [[strikethrough]] 14. Hyatt. [[/strikethrough]] 14. L.H. Seudder
18. Mother. 19. Mrs. Evered. 20. Sadie. 24. Mother. 27. Mother

In all 9.