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^[[Letters written]] 
[[preprinted]][[struckthrough]] BILLS PAYABLE [[/struckthrough]] FEBRUARY [[/preprinted]]

Feb. 1. Wm B. Ogden. Grandfather. Mother. 2. J.G. Anthony. 
     3. Putnam. 5th, Mother. 9. Stimpson & Put. 11. Mother 
    11. and Kennicott. 13. H.E. Bannister, D.D. 15. F. Langford 
    16. Mother. Miss Cleveland and Miss Merriam. 17. Kennicott. 
    20. S.H. Scudder. 24. Theobald. Mother. 26. Mother. 28. L. 
    28  Merriam. Sadie. Putnam. Bailliere Bros.
        In all 24.
        Since Jan 13. 43.

[[preprinted]] RECEIVABLE [[/preprinted]]
Feb. 3. B. Westerman & Co. 4. S.H. Scudder. [[struckthrough]][[?]][[/struckthrough]] 
     4. Mother & Father. 6. Parcels from B. Westerman & Co. 
     6. & S. H. Scudder. 8th, Heyatt, and parcel from Put. 
    10. Mother & Sadie. 13. L. Merriam and Allie Cleveland. 
    16  Mother. Kennicott. 20 W. Stimpson. 21. Mother. 22. Kennicott
    25  Putnam. 27. Sadie. L. Merriam.
        In all 20
        Since Jan 13. 29.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
^[[Letters written]] 
[[preprinted]][[struckthrough]] BILLS PAYABLE [[/struckthrough]] MARCH [[/preprinted]]

Mar. 1st Robt. Kennicott. Jno. Baxter. Geo. C. Walker. 5. Father, Mother
     5   J.G. Anthony[[superscript]]2[[/superscript]]. F. Langford. Dr. Gould. Grandma Dall.
     5.  Shaxter, Tom Newell. James Tolman.
     6.  Allie Cleveland, S.C. Clarke. 9. Lizzie Merriam.
    11.  Mother. Austin Dall. 12. Uncle Wm. Miss Anne Newman
    12.  Stimpson, Nason. 13. Sadie. 17 Mother & photos to
         L. Merriam, Nellie Wilde, Allie Cleveland and F.S. Langford.
    17   Mr. Sol Brown 18 Mother 31 Mother Grandma
    31   Healey Grandma Dall. Father. F.S. Langford.
         In all 36.
         Since Jan 13. 79.

[[preprinted]] RECEIVABLE [[/preprinted]]
    2. S.H. Scudder, and mother. 4. Mother. 6. Allie Cleve-
    6. land, and an estray the second in a few days, one
       to Wm. H. Doll. The other to Wm. H. Dale and 7th
       another to W.N. Dole. 11. Mother. Thomas Newell
   11. Allie Cleveland. 12. Mother and Uncle William.
       encl. $50.00 L.L. Shaxter. 13 Sadie 14 Aunt
   14  Henrietta Bailliere Bros. 17. Mother[[superscript]]3[[/superscript]] Grandma
   17  Healey Aunt Marian Aunt Fannie Uncle William[[superscript]]2[[/superscript]]
       Sadie 18 Mother 19 Mother
       In all 24.
       Since Jan. 13. 53.