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ing as it reached skyward in modernistic stepped-in design.

Still uncomprehending, we were led inside it, and found that it was a memorial to Myriam Stefford, the American aviatrix who crashed on this very spot three or four years ago.  Lighting matches to see the way, we went down a flight of Marble steps and found ourselves in a pitch-black room, lined with black marble, and off it an alcove, also of black marble, where the girl herself is buried.  [[strikethrough]] The old legend [[/strikethrough]] Carved in the marble at her feet is a curse on the man who defiles this tomb, and the story is that her jewels are buried with her.  Nearby is part of the broken airplane wing.  This awe-inspiring memorial, this Taj Mahal of South America, was erected by her Italo-Argentine husband, in memory of her and in hope that, with its high-burning beacon, no other aviator might lose his life on this spot.

Back at the hotel, Mr. andMrs. Farre came to tea.  Farre is a young Spanish newspaper man, married to an American girl who teaches English in Cordoba. 

About seven o'clock, while we were still sitting in the hotel lounge, I smelled a curiously strong smell of dust.  Wondering about it, I turned to look out the window, and saw that the plaza was simply blotted out in a yellow fog of dust.  Trees were bent nearly double in the wind, and people scurried along with handkerchiefs over their noses.  Electric lights in the hotel went out, and the storm raged for a couple of hours.  It had let up a little by the time we left to catch our train, but the air was still full of it, and we felt choked and miserable.

Farre, Bosch, Pereya and Martinez were all down at the train to see us off.  They had been so friendly we really hated to say good-bye to them, especially to Martinez.

[[underline]] May 11 - B.A. [[/underline]]

I was taken violently ill in the night, and had all I could do to get to the City Hotel and into bed.  Bill called up Monnett who recommended their doctor, and he came to see me.  The attack seemed so much like appendicitis that we were all scared, but as I stayed in bed, and had nothing but tea to drink, I began to feel better.

[[underline]] May 12 - 13 [[/underline]]

Spent all Friday in bed, and Saturday afternoon went out to the Davises.  Dr. Brinkman has put me on much the same diet Pearl is on, and by eating very little and resting a lot I think I'll be all right.

[[underline]] May 14 - B.A. [[/underline]]

Went to church in the morning and to the Zoo in the afternoon.  It was interesting to see the tremendous crowds at the Zoo on Sunday.  People were simply scrambling and shoving to buy the 10-centavo