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tickets.  It was an orderly crowd, and fairly tidy, once they got inside, and none of the animals that stroll loose around the grounds were bothered at all by the visitors.  It seemed to odd to see a rhea walking down the path with the Sunday visitors, and very picturesque.  Bill took a movie of an ostrich drinking out of a bubble fountain.

[[underline]] May 15- B.A. [[/underline]]

Dorothy Browne had lunch with Pearl and me, and then we took a walk.  Bill buzzes around town most of the day, but I stay quiet.

[[underline]] May 16 - B.A. [[/underline]]

Bill spent the day at the Zoo.  Dorothy, Mrs. Barnes, Frances Shippen and Mrs. Ravendal were  here for lunch.

[[underline]] May 17 - B.A. [[/underline]]

Dorothy and I took a long walk in the afternoon.  Bill and I went with the Davises to a cocktail party at the American Woman's Club, where there was gaucho [[typed gaugho corrected to gaucho with pen]] entertainment - songs ans dances.  It was the first time I had seen the native costume.  The women woremlong calico dresses, with ribbons in their hair, the men wore rather flattened black felt hats, short jackets, white bombachas under a skirt-like black drapery, and beautiful soft white kid boots with silver spurs. 

[[underline]] May 18 - La Plata [[/underline]]

We drove with the Davises over to La Plata.  It takes 45 minutes to get out of B.A., and about 15 to traverse the flat country between the two cities.  La Plata is a new city, having been begun in the 1880's and is the capital of the province.  We got a room for the two of us at the Savoy Hotel (8 pesos with bath), and then went out to the Zoo, where we found our old friend Dr. Carlos Morelli.

The Zoo covers 26 hectares, and is a [[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] beautiful [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] garden with most of the trees labeled with their scientific names  The mixture of palms, evergreens, sycamores, acacias, and eucalyptus gave a semi-tropical effect, and there are many lakes and pools, each lake named after a distinguished scientist.  A miniature railroa runs through the grounds, and we all had a ride on it.  In the collection were many species of monkeys, including a fine Hussar, an Indian elephant, hippopotamus, ruffled [[l crossed out with pen to correct ruffled to ruffed]] lemur, two leopards, tow polar bears, and a tame puma.  There is a lage collection of domestic animals, sheep, goats, dogs (different races labeled), cats,

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