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frog for a hydrant to fill the pool, a log cabin playhouse built entirely of ironwood, and put together with no nails (nails cannot be driven into this hard and heavy wood - it sinks in water). The pheasantry is the finest we have ever seen, each little yard well planted, with running water, and a neat little house for the bird built of brick and whitewashed. He has 32 different species, and 2000 birds altogether. He is raising Impeyan, Bell's, (30 young from one pair), Edward's, Cheer, and other rarities, and has made several interesting cross breeds.

     As a souvenir of the day we were given ponchos to bring home with us - at least I got a very fine, closely woven, black one with colored stripes, and Bill got a heavy Indian rug, in vivid red and green.

     Newberry came home with us, and we all had dinner together at the hotel.

[[underline]] May 21 - B.A. [[/underline]]

     I went to Mass at the Cathedral, and found that there was a special celebration going on in honor of Blessed M. Josefa Rossello - whoever she was. Evidently a nun belonging to an order that is well known here, for the huge church was packed with nuns and convent girls, in addition to the customary large Sunday crowd.  The Cardinal was there, and the music was good - three violins and a boys' choir in addition to the organ.

     Bill and Tom Davis went to the market, and the three of us had lunch together at the hotel. After we took Tom home Bill and I went to the Natural Science Museum, a magnificent new building, not yet entirely completed. Two exhibition halls are open to the public, and we saw the zoology and ethnology, and found them interesting.

     In the evening we took Edwardo Holmberg to Un Rincon de Mendoza, famous for Criolla food, where we dined off delicious roast kid, or "chicken of goat" as Holmberg explained it in his ludicrous English.

[[underline]] May 22 - B. A. [[/underline]]

     Bill and I went out to the Zoo in the morning, where Dr. Holmberg told us with pride that the Texas wolves had had three cubs.

     After lunch we went animal shopping with the Shippens, and Bill bought turtles from a man at 533 Medrano, and frogs from the same man in his shop at 250 Florida. The frogs are Ceratophrys, brilliantly mottled brown and green, known here as Esquerza.

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