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on the second brought in a beautiful big speckled trout.  Bill S. then wanted to try his luck, and Sam gave him a lesson in casting, shouting "Macanudo! Muy bien!" as Bill got more expert and succeeded in throwing the spoon out to the middle of the river.

In the evening Frances and I went for a moonlight walk, taking deep gulps of the clear cold air, and marveling at the moonlight on the mountain tops.  As Frances said, the snow-caps gleamed like radium.

June 1 - Bariloche

We packed in the morning, had a brisk walk before lunch, and then gorged on the delicious farewell luncheon that the Mays had prepared for us.  The train left at 2.30, and we all (includin^[[g]] Newberry) were aboard about two.  The train was cold, and we warmed ourselves with brandy, and at night took hot-water bottles which were merely pop bottles filled with hot water, to bed with us.

June 2 - En route

All day long on the train, the high spot being a glimpse of two wild rheas running like made across the pampas, their long necks stretched skyward.

As we approached Patagonas, in the afternoon, we were all wondering if Bill's police inspector would have lived up to his promise to provide us with ostriches.  Sure enough, when we got off at the station platform, there were two good-sized rheas in a big crate, and they were duly stowed away in the baggage wagon.  Bill is delighted, as he thinks they are the rare Patagonian species.

June 3 - B.A.

The comparative warmth of B.A. felt very good to us as we landed back in town again about 10.30 in the morning.  We went once more to the Continental, and got our other clothes out of storage.

Bill picked up Major and Mrs. [[insert]] Guy [[insert]] Paget in the hotel lobby, and we spent most of the day with them.  They had just arrived from England, and were wondering what to do with the day and a half they were to spend in B.A.  Major Paget is a n officer in the Scots Guards, and a grand guy; his wife is very charming, and we fell in love with both of them.  We took them to La Cabana for lunch, where we had the most superlative beefsteaks, and to Maxim's in the evening for dinner.

At Maxim's Bill, as usual, asked the orchestra to play