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[[underlined]] Aug 5th [[/underlined]] Passing a fork of the river we crossed its principal branch &  began ascending a mountain, consisting of two terraces each about 50 ft. high & 1/4 mile wide surmounted by a steep hill, which gave us a continuous ascent of 4000 ft!* as indicated by the barometer. The summit was nearly level, and about 1/2 mile from the hill side we reached the camping ground in a little valley traversed by a brook of ice cold water- The hill was covered with a species of Vaccinium the fruit nearly as finely flavored as a grape, and the ground in many places carpeted by strawberry vine with ripe fruit of delicious flavor. Blue purple red yellow & white flowers adorned the hill sides and altogether this was one of the pleasantest camps since leaving Vancouver. 
Two Pines & a species of dense leaved spruce all very beautiful trees grow here, replacing to some extent the trees of the valley. Obtained here a salamander which was creeping through the ashes of the fire, towards the brook- This species is said to be common in the lower country. - 
* [[strikethrough]] barometer [[/strikethrough]] - above Vancouver - (6 3/4 miles

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[[underlined]] Chickwass prairie [[/underlined]]
Aug 6th Left camp early & travelled easterly 9 1/4 miles to a small meadow full of excellent grass where we encamped. Most of the way led through a burnt forest with but little living vegetation, where there was scarcely any animal except striped squirrels & jays. The soil here uncovered by ashes consisted of porous basalt & pumice During the evening two large cranes flew around the prairie desiring to light but were frightened away by the sight of our camp

Aug 7th It rained all day at intervals the first rainy days since we started - 
Remained at the prairie to allow the animals to recruit after their scant hard fare. 
Obtained no animals but saw some plants new to me among them a species of Ceanothus with a bright shining leaf (velutinus)

Aug 8th Travelled 6 miles to the "Chiquass" prairie a high plain mostly covered with young spruce trees. The hills around are almost all burnt over giving them a gray appearance from the dead trunks- Sky continues cloudy & P.M. a storm of hail & rain came on with a high wind & cold air. Saw some ducks in a small pond but could not get any -