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Aug 13th Proceeded about 6 1/2 miles to the other end of the prairie and encamped by the side of a river about 20 feet wide the outlet of the lake mentioned. 
A deer & tracks of elk were seen today but no game has yet been obtained-  
A Crane was shot of which I preserved the head. The bald spot on the front is said to be constant in this species-  
A coyote was also shot but unfortunately not brought into camp- Found a curious Orchideous? plant* on the border of this prairie in soil now very dry-  It is preserved with those of Aug 12th  
The garter snake preserved is of a kind apparently common here, saw also one of those with red spots.  A large number of the species of crane shot was seen on this plain with some ducks. Both probably breed in these mountains, with geese and a species of Mergers-
A large number of sparrowhawks frequents the plain & I noticed also the Marsh hawk- Meadow larks are also plenty & a species of Kingbird (M Tyrannus) 
*Phelipoea comosa- Torr & Gr-

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Aug 14th  Made 12 3/4 miles through the same open pine forest as before described the ground being mostly level until reaching a hill where we descended to a stream about 2 rods wide & similar in appearance to those crossed on the other side of the mts.  
The banks were very steep & more than 200 ft high. Camped by the side of a small brook where I noticed a few small fish. Through the whole march I saw no animals except the common ground squirrel & a few ducks. Collected a few new plants-

[[underlined]] Aug 15th [[/underlined]] Proceeded about 9 1/4 miles through a similar country crossing 1 or 2 streams
The guide mistaking the way led us to the edge of a hill at least 200 ft high from which we overlooked a region of steep high mountains ^[[insertion]] with [[/insertion]] almost perpendicular sides the peak of Mt. Rainier showing above them. This ravine being quite impassible we turned back in hopes of again striking the trail but after proceeding about a mile encamped by a brookside.  
Obtained no animals today this pine region being almost destitute of any thing having life - Two deer were seen but the hunters got no game  The ground has everywhere a thick growth of grass & appears like good soil for grain-

Transcription Notes:
Phelipoea comosa - alt. spelling of Phelipea comosa; ref.;size=100;view=text @roswilkes