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These birds appear to prefer the high ground while the Prairie fowl is very common in the valleys. No good specimens have yet been killed most of them being immature. The valleys crossed on this march have steep sides & in some places columnar basalt appears, while the bottom is covered with sharp angular fragments- 
The weather all day was cloudy but it did not rain much -

[[underlined]] Sept. 4th [[/underlined]] Remain at this camp to wait for Lieut. Hodges & Mowry. Shot a magpie which I preserved also a redtailed hawk shot yesterday & the head of a prairie fowl- The valley of this river is here at least 15 miles wide & partly meadow with large pine & Cottonwood trees in groves & groups in the drier parts. The river like all yet seen flows over a bed of Basaltic & Quartz pebbles. It is here about 50 yds wide & 2-4 deep at this dry season. Nearly the whole valley appears to be overflowed at times & is full of the dry beds of what are in winter branches of the river-
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Sept 5th  Still in Camp. The storm has passed & it is again growing hot. Shot a bird which seems to be the Corvus Columbianus of Wilson It is however much more of a jay in habits & appearance having similar cries & feeding principally on the seed of Pines  It also hangs head downward from the cones like the Titmice. None of the larger Jays (Stellers) so common near Vancouver are seen here. The western Colaptes so like to that of the eastern states is common- Its notes & manners seem precisely the same. This bird, the Sturnella neglaecta & some others are sufficiently like their eastern analogues to be considered mere varieties. 

[[underlined]] Sept. 6th [[/underlined]]  Weather very hot during the day & being unwell I did not go away from Camp.

[[underlined]] Sept. 7th [[/underlined]] Caught a small trout with a hook similar to those found before. Also a very young Eutainia like that of 2nd
Gold dust is found in small quantity by some of the party washing sand of the river. 

[[underlined]] Sept 10th [[/underlined]] Still at same Camp. Have noticed nothing important since last date. Goodbys Solution No 2 has failed to preserve the snakes & fish obtained since the 2nd  Lieut. Moury returned from the Dalles to day. 

Transcription Notes:
Sturnella neglaecta = Sturnella neglecta? Moury or Mowry? Both seem possible in most places. @roswilkes