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44 Sept.26th  Proceeded on along the Columbia passing round part of its northern shore and camped on its shore having traversed 16 miles. & crossed the Barrier River where there is a large Indian Village employed in catching salmon. Obtained no specimens of animals on this route. Several rattlesnakes were killed by the party but I did not obtain any. They seem to frequent the mountains more than the plains though the yellow species occurs along Snake River.
Sept. 27th  Proceeded along the  river 5 and 1/2 miles crossing the Okanagon R. encamped near the Fort of that name. Obtained a Great Horned Owl here which I preserved. Learning from Mr.  Lechere that there is an Indian pass through the mountains near the Barrier River. Capt & McC determined to return & explore.
Sept. 28th Leaving the Rivers early we crossed the hills in a northwest direction for 12 X miles & encamped by a small spring in the forest. Noticed nothing new on the way. Crofaed[[guess]] a deep chasm through which flows a small stream emptying into a lake near the Cal. R. There met the thick pine woods which continued upward.
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[[underlined]] Sept. 29th [[/underlined]] Continued on westerly for about 8 miles where we met the valley of the Barrier River, & followed this to the western branch along which we went summit near sunset having travelled 18 1/2 miles. Obtained no specimens of importance. Noticed the deciduous trees to be changing their colors, the poplars to a bright yellow and some shrubs to brown & red. The valley of this river is about 5 miles wide at its widest part and has evidently been formerly occupied by a lake which has in its subsidence formed terraces of various heights, as is the case with all the valleys here - 
[[underlined]] Sept 30th [[/underlined]] The train returned about eight miles & encamped, while Capt. McC. continued on up the valley. & pass. Gold dust of a coarser quality than any before obtained was reached out here - Scarcely any quadrupeds or birds seen.
[[underlined]] Oct 1st [[/underlined]] Remained in the same camp. The Capt. returned having found the pass fit only for pack trains. I walked for some miles about, but got no specimens. Found several small lakes in the hollows of the mountains around Saw a flock of about 10 Mergansers