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Octr. 9th  Continued on for 11 1/2 miles up the river passing the forks & encamped on the side of the fourth lake-
Here I noticed the species of Sialia seen on the summit of the mountains in the beginning of Aug- & also along the Columbia this month- (S. occidentalis) 
Found three spring flowers in blossom  where the ground had been burnt over-

Oct. 10th  Remained at the same place while a small party went to visit a lake to the north- I obtained here several fish (Carp?) the same as are caught in the Col. R. but no trout or Salmon were seen-  Ducks are common in small flocks-  Have noticed the green wing & blue wing teals, Mallards & sawbills Little migration of birds as yet-

Oct. 11th Returned along the east shore of the river for 15 1/2 miles & encamped at the second lake.  Obtained here several shells as specimens. Rain having threatened for several days commenced this evening accompanied by a strong wind-

Oct. 12th  Rain ceased this morning and leaving camp, we continued a short distance down the river, then leaving it

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went eastward, reaching the top of the divide about 1 1/2 P.M.
Here we encamped having made 9 1/2 miles, only, to wait for Capt. McClellam who had gone to visit the west branch of the river- Noticed nothing important & got no specimens-

[[underlined]] Oct. 13th [[/underlined]]  Proceeded eastward for 13 miles and encamped on the bank of a small river running east ^[[insertion]] the Siyakan [[/insertion]]-  Obtained no specimens. The larch is abundant through this region with some spruce & fir trees- the soil appears very good. But few birds seem to inhabit or migrate throughout this tract and we see scarcely any other animals.

[[underlined]] Oct. 14th [[/underlined]]  Followed down the river nearly east for 17 1/2 miles.  Saw at camp the water ousel for the first time-  The weather was cloudy with slight showers all day-

Oct. 15th Continued on the same course for 15 1/4 miles passing through some beautiful farming land lying in the valley & steep mountains on each side-  Noticed no animals except the ruffed grouse and some ducks-  The pine squirrel is very plenty in this region much resembling in habits the eastern Red squirrel-