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50  Octr. 16th  Followed on the same river for 17 1/4 miles and encamped on its banks.  Saw a species of shrike on the way with the two kinds of jay before seen.  also a large white gull alone - Some of the same species were seen on the Col. River the 23d silt This valley is more wooded than most of those lately seen -the trees & plants being mostly the same as those seen near Mt.- Adams though the long leaved Pine is here mixed with the firs of the western side The rocks seen are all granitic consisting of mica slate, quartz or gneiss, commonly alone rarely in combination. Gold has been found here more plenty than on any other branch
Oct. 17th I with several others remained in camp till after 2 P.M. Im having to wait for our horses which had strayed away.  While here I walked around the vicinity & collected a few minerals but did not obtain anything else. Leaving camp at 2 we traveled 11 miles and reached the main party on the bank of the Col. R. encamped; opposite Fort Colville, and a short distance below the mouth of the river  Country much as before
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Oct. 18th  Crossed the Columbia in canoes, swimming the horses over, and encamped near the Fort - The current here is very rapid, so that several horses were nearly carried away by it - Saw large flocks of ducks but nothing else new and got no specimens.
Oct. 19th Remained in camp. Late last evening. Gov. Stevens arrived at the Fort in advance of his party. His survey has succeeded very well so far, having crossed the Rocky Mts. safely with his whole party. I walked for some distance around the Camp to obtain specimens but got none except a very small nutthatch. (Sitta pygimea). This species of Nutthatch associates in small flocks singing like the Yellow bird as they fly about the trees. I have seen them nowhere else. Noticed the Robin redwing woodpecker & downy Woodpecker
Oct. 20th  Still in camp - Visited the Kettle falls which are not very high - Obtained nothing new today - The weather has been moderate with bright days & cool nights since the 17th -