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Oct 21st Busy with specimens and in visiting the fort today A crop fox was killed by one of the men but I did not know of it till after it was skinned & therefore spoiled Very good onions, potatoes & beets were brought in for sale by the farmers Heard last night flocks of Hillduse flying high overhead - the moon was shining brightly - Some frost last night 
Oct 22nd Left Camp & travelled 14 1/4 miles towards Spokan river - Saw nothing of importance as specimens The valley passed through was fertile & partly cultivated Saw before leaving a large flock of Prairie fowls flying to the tops of trees to warm themselves on the sunshine as I have often seen on cool mornings Therm & 21[[degree symbol]] AM.
Oct 23d Continued on along the valley Morning very cold Therm. at daybreak 10[[degree symbol]] Clouds gathered towards night and it felt snowy - Crossed a small but deep stream across which was an Indian bridge swimming the horses - Saw a few of the same birds seen on the Colubis last month 13 1/2 miles.
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Oct 24th
At day light there was about four inches of snow on the ground & still snowing - Air somewhat milder Travelled 8 1/4 miles & camped by a large plain in Spokasia Snow ceased about 1 P.M. but a fog still hid the view in the distance Country much more level than before rain - Soil appears good & water abundant - The 2 Pines & larch still form most of the woods with a few Poplars & birches on the low grounds -
Oct 25th Travelled 14 3/4 miles striking part of the Spokan R. & camped near the old Presbyterian mission of Chinikaine now deserted. Here was a large village of Spokan Indians living in rush houses more comfortably than any before seen Observed on the way more species of birds than any time since we started, but now seemed newer. Day throughout cold & clouded over Country still wooded with small trees & mostly level. Valley traversed in fertile & grassy -
Oct 26th Continued on SE for about 17 miles & encamped by a small stream. Saw several Prairie & blue grouse on the way. Crossed the Spokan River where it has steep precipitous hawks, the basaltic cliffs being about 50 ft. high & crumbling