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Spokan Plains-

[[underlined]] Oct 27th [[/underlined]]  Remained in camp today-  
The country is an elevated table land only wooded along canons which traverse it from East to West - a few miles apart- The trees here are the two species of Pine & several spruces-  
The Coeur d'Aleine Mountains can be seen at a distance bordering it on the East & North-  Obtained the Woodpecker mentioned in Catalogue-

Oct 28th  Walked several miles around the neighborhood-  Obtained another woodpecker (v. Cat.) which I cannot distinguish from that got yesterday except in colors-  It was in a flock consisting of the two common gray nuthatch & the brown creepers-  Also the head & tail of a male Sage fowl several of which were seen near camp-  They feed on the Artemisia tridentata leaves, & are too strong flavored to be eatable. Its flight & habits much resemble the other grouse- but I have never seen it near trees-  Saw also a cross fox, but did not kill it having only five shot in my gun at the time. Lt. Donalson & party arrived here to-day --

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Oct 30th  Left camp & travelled 8 miles camping at a small brook only because the Guide said we could not reach water again that day-  Obtained here the Pine squirrel which is exactly like those before seen everywhere in the wooded districts passed through-  Also the owl the first of this species I have seen though some were seen by Mr Gibbs on the Yakima in Aug. Passed today several dry lakes which have no outlet-

Oct 31st  Remained in this camp all day  I shot here the Grouse (T. phasianellus the Prairie fowl often mentioned.  Walked several miles to the top of a high hill where I could see the whole horizon towards the west, quite level without a hill or mountain visible-  There are no trees in sight in that direction. Saw a flock of Plovers (C. montanus?) but got no specimens- The country resembles that seen near the Okanagan river- 

Nov 1st Travelled 9 1/2 miles, camping by a small stream. Obtained here a woodpecker (v. Catalogue) which very nearly resembles those of the 28th-  Shot also a green winged teal-