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Nov 2nd  Continued on 19 1/4 miles through a similar level country, passing near several lakes in which were large flocks of ducks & geese-  These lakes resemble those before seen and the water is brackish, they having no outlet- Saw no other animals except grouse- Weather continues very cold & the wind strong-

Nov 3d  Made 17 1/2 miles southerly and encamped on a branch of Palouse River 
Saw no animals worth noticing- 
The country is plane & barren with Basaltic rocks projecting in many places chiefly of the columnar variety- A few valleys appear arable but there is no water and it does not seem to have rained here for some months- All the vegetables seen are part flowering & withered 
The general appearance of the country is similar to that south of the Nachess-

[[underlined]] Nov'r 4th [[/underlined]]  Travelled 16 3/4 miles in the same direction, crossing several branches of Paloose R., About 12 P.M. reached the valley of the Snake R. & descended a high bank to the mouth of the Palouse when we crossed over without trouble in canoes- the animals swimming-

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Observed the trees & plants here to be at least 2 weeks less advanced in decay than on the Plains & saw an Astor in flower- The weather is much milder & the sky overcast, the thermometer starting at 6 P.M. 48[[degree symbol]] This river is about as wide as the Columbia at Colville but not so rapid & the country round is bare & precipitous. Saw no specimens worth collecting today-

Novr 5th  Travelled 21 miles nearly south & reached a branch of the Walla Walla R. 
The country is an undulating prairie without trees or shrubs & has been lately burnt over- Very few rocks appear on the surface- Saw a gray wolf at a distance, but no other animals- The ground is very full of badger ? holes- This River lies in a  beautiful valley & in thickly bordered by Poplar & birch-trees- It is here equal to the Nachess- 

Nov 6th  Continued southward through a similar country to the valley of the main Walla Walla R. of which the above is only a branch. Here are several farms & the soil & productions the best yet seen
Saw no new specimens to day-
Travelled 19 1/4 miles-