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Novr 7th  Followed down along the river nearly to its mouth-  The valley is narrower & rougher in this part, and the basalt again appears on its sides-  Saw nothing else worthy of note- [[underlined]] 18 1/2m [[/underlined]]

Nov. 8th  Left camp & proceeded on to the Col River - passing Ft. Walla Walla on the way-  The river here cuts through perpendicular basaltic cliffs at least 500 ft high, which are worn & channeled into many curious forms-  Followed down its course for 12 miles-  Noticed many plants still in flower & collected some  
Saw a species of shrike apparently different from those before seen - 12 miles.  
Saw at the Fort the carcasses of a grey wolf & a Cayote unfit for specimens-

Nov. 9th  Continued along the Columbia for 16 miles crossing the Umatilla R. which is here a brook-  The basaltic cliffs continue along nearly to its mouth but below here the shores are lower the country gradually becoming more level & sandy-  Obtained nothing today 
There does not seem to have been much frost here yet as vegetation continues about a month later than at Ft. Colville.

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[[underlined]] Nov'r 10th [[/underlined]]  Continued our journey down the R. for 14 3/4 miles. A violent wind from the southwest blew all day in our faces filling our eyes with dust & making this the most unpleasant day yet-  The country is nearly level & very barren, covered by the shrubs common on these sandy Plains-

Nov'r 11th  Still followed down the River crossing a small stream called Willow creek about 11 miles from camp. Wind nearly as strong & cold as yesterday. The basaltic hills reappear on the opposite bank, but less precipitous than before. Several species of Ducks are in the river & remain here through the winter.  Nothing preserved - [[underlined]] 15m. [[/underlined]]

Nov 12th  Continued on along the river for 9 3/4 miles a strong wind blowing from the west with sharp rain most of the time.  
After writing my notes last evening I obtained an Owl (S. Otus) which I preserved-  Cliffs becoming higher & steeper-

Nov. 13th  Made 15 miles in the same direction crossing John Days R. at its mouth.  The country continues rough & bare as before & the weather cold & disagreeable  
Saw no specimens-