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Jany 9th Remaining at Ft. Vancouver I obtained no specimens since last date until to day though I go out almost daily (v. Catal.) The three last days of last week were very cold- the thermometer falling to 15° the coldest this winter. Still see some birds about, but most are very wild. Scarcely any ducks remaining. 
Jany 12th Obtained a spec. of Colaptes which appears to be an adult male the former specimen having been a female. Weather warm & pleasant. Saw several meadow larks & a Robin. the first since our return. 
[[underlined]] Jany 13th [[/underlined]] This morning there was a fall of snow for several hours which however melted soon as it fell. Shot four Grosbeaks, (C. vespertina) at a shot, & have seen several flocks of them about lately. Also noticed the Nucifraga abundant & very familiar The flocks come down to the [[Cosuel?]] bushes in search of food Their stomachs contained small seeds of Fir? Have seen for some days past a bird resembling the [[terchard Ersola?]] of the 2nd year masked black & orange, but too wild to shoot. 
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Jany 18th Snow fell two nights ago to the depth of about four inches. Weather continues cold but clear since then. 
Saw again today the unknown birds keeping in the thick tops of tall Fir trees Obtained the [[Fsing. ?]] Townsendi mentioned in Catalogue which was with the Chewinks & I thought was the female, but it differs in dimensions & in the [[Iris ?]]. The Carpadaeus was alone & was picking seed from shrubs its stomach being filled with the same seed as that of the Grosbeak, deprived of the husk. I have seen no others of this species. Noticed lately a new evergreen shrub like Laurustinus & collected seeds of it. See the Pine Squirrel still about & also have tracks.
Jany 19th Shot today two of the birds above mentioned resembling in habits & appearance the Thrushes. In their very muscular gizzard were a number of seeds Also skinned the three other birds in Cat. ([[Fring.?]] Townsendi & Pipilo Oregonius) Noticed nothing else new today. Weather continues clear & cold.