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66 Fort
Jany 23d Weather since last date very cold, but clear.  On the night of the 20th Snow fell to the depth of 6 inches.  River entirely closed up by ice. 9 in thick.  Obtained today the Grackle mentioned in Cat. which bird frequents the stables about here in flocks of 8 or 10.  Since the cold weather the Redwing has disappeared.  Both species were common before that, and in their habits and notes are very similar, but the Grackle was not so common here in summer 

Jany 26th The weather since last date has been too stormy & cold for collecting and about 6 in snow fell on the 24th.
Today thawing & cloudy.  Obtained two female Grackles and one Redwing as per Catalogue.  The latter is the only one I have seen lately.  Saw also some meadowlarks & a hare.
The anatomy of the Grackles resembles that of the thrushes more than the Finches 

Jany 30th  Went out & obtained the three specimens of Cat.)  Noticed nearly all the same birds as before the snowstorm.  Weather warm & thawing.  Large flocks of Ducks &c flying about but are very wild. 

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Feby 4th  Since last date the weather has been mild & some slight frosts at night.  The River here is still frozen fast closer to the mouth of the Willamette.  Have obtained the specimens in Catal.  Found the Owl dead probably from cold.  The Robins have returned & also some other birds, from which I predict warm weather.  Saw a Shrike on the 2nd

Feby 12th Obtained a poor specimen of Lavins - ?  Saw in a small pond near here a number Salamanders like that sent in first coll. dead from being frozen up in the mud, they were buried in.  The largest was 9 in. long.  They were much swollen from decomposition & their skin was loose & peeling off. 

Feby 13th  A man brought here a Cougar killed near Cape Horne but asking too much for it, I did not buy it.  Several were killed in Oregon this winter.  The weather since the 4th has been very wet so as to prevent my hunting for specimens.  Have seen none new to me nor observed any thing notable.